Hotel Issues

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Michelle was at the Sheraton in Dover, Delaware. She was in her room, watching a movie that was filmed in Brazil. There were English subtitles, since the actors were speaking Brazilian Portuguese. She knew very little, but was willing to learn, as she was planning a trip to Brazil in March. She would be going to Sao Paulo.

Michelle went into the bathroom, to comb her smooth, brown hair. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw cockroaches, in the bathtub. She was appalled. "This place is filthy!" she complained. And, when she stepped out into the hallway, to go to the front desk, a snake was slithering along.

"Eek, a snake!" she shrieked, at the top of her lungs. That got the attention of the other hotel guests. They opened their doors, and were startled to see the snake. They went back inside, and locked their doors.

The hotel was in poor condition. A health inspector from the Delaware Department Of Public Health, was notified of the hotel conditions, and was not pleased with what he discovered. As a result, the hotel was condemned, and shut down, for falling the health inspection. All the employees lost their jobs.

The hotel was demolished, and was never seen or heard of, again.

This story was written on Friday, January 1st, 2021. (New Year's Day)

A/N That hotel is so filthy! Cockroaches in the bathrooms, and a snake in the hallway! Totally unacceptable! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and Happy New Year! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘

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