Super Mario In Time Out

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Mushroom Kingdom

Princess Peach: *locks Mario in the time out room*

Mario: You better let me out, Peach! *from inside the time out room*

Princess Peach: What you did to Daisy was unacceptable! You are to stay in there, for 35 minutes! *guards the door*

Mario: *uses his fire flower to burn down the door*

Princess Peach: *taps the door* This door is fireproof! Your fire flower is useless!

Mario: *uses a star to hopefully break down the door but it's also starproof*

Princess Peach: Tough luck, Mario! You ain't getting out!

Mario: *bangs on the door in anger*

Yoshi: Too loud!

Princess Peach: Just ignore him, Yoshi!

Yoshi: Okay!

Rosalina: *plays with the doorknob*

Princess Peach: Rosalina, stop that! You're only gonna make him angrier!

Rosalina: *giggles* Sorry!

Princess Peach: Let's get some pizza! Come on!

Yoshi: *follows Peach*

Rosalina: *does the same*

Mario: *still banging on the door in anger*

This story was written on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021.

A/N Mario is in the time out room!!! His fire flower and star are no match for the door! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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