Chapter 22

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Sophia POV

"What's wrong mate? Do you not want to go back?" He asked, looking at me concerned.

I didn't know what to say. If I go back there, then he will know I am just a lowly omega and he will reject me. I cannot spend the rest of my days at that pack. No way! I had to find a way out of here but how? I looked all around for a way out but I knew if I ran, they would catch me.

Grayson looked at me with concern and confusion before looking sceptical.

"What happened to you at your pack?" he asked in a deadly quite voice.

I looked at him hesitantly. I couldn't tell him what they did to me. He might just blame me, reject me and then send me back. I couldn't exactly lie to him either, I'm a terrible liar.

Suddenly, I felt his hand grab me by my arm and pull me back into the diner and out the door. I tried to resist but he was way too strong for me.

He took me to a car and opened the door for me to get in. I hesitated. I really didn't know what to do.

"Either you get in willingly or I put you in myself." Came the low rumbling voice of my mate.

I simply stared at him and gulped. He gave me such an intense stare that I thought I had better listen. I got in myself before he joined me. The other two males sat in the front and I knew I was headed to my doom. I sat in complete silence contemplating what my life will be like now. Will it be worse once he rejects me? I heard that as soon as a wolf rejects their mate, they end up being in a lot of pain after due to the breaking of the mate bond. I sighed to myself. I might as well get it over and done with. There was nothing I could do to prevent the inevitable. He will find out as soon as we get back to the pack. He will reject me and that will be the end of it all.

As we got closer and closer to the pack house, I felt my stomach in knots. I put my head down, refusing to look at anyone. Once we got to the front of the pack house, the car stopped and I didn't move. I heard the door open and saw a hand appear in front of me. I looked at the hand and my eyes moved up to the arm and then to the handsome face of my mate. I slowly put my hand in his and felt the familiar tingles go up my arm. I got out of the car and we slowly made our way inside the pack house.

"Sophia! Where were you?" I looked up to see Olivia standing there with Alpha Dan.

"Why did you leave like that?" asked Alpha Dan looking a little hurt.

I looked at Alpha Dan. I felt awful for leaving but I needed to protect myself.

"I'm sorry Alpha." I replied.

"I want to know exactly what has been going on here with my mate. Nobody runs away for no reason." Came the deep voice of my mate.

"Of course. Let's go into my office so we can talk privately without any prying ears." Replied Alpha Dan.

With that, we all headed to the office. All too soon, we arrived in front of the office doors. Alpha Dan opened the door and everybody filed in. Alpha Dan sat at his desk while the others sat on the seats available. I looked around and there were no more seats available. I stayed standing until my mate spoke.

"You can sit here mate." He said patting his lap.

I looked shocked and my face heated up. He was the King so I cannot refuse him can I? I slowly walked towards him and he pulled me down onto his lap. My face went even more red and my eyes focused on the ground, trying to ignore the tingles and the feeling of wanting him to take me right here, right now as I felt his arms snake around my waist.

"Ooh! He has such strong arms!" said my wolf Midnight. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Wrong timing Midnight. Now, pipe down!" I replied.

"I think Sophia should tell you what has happened to her." Said Alpha Dan and with that, all eyes were on me.

I looked at every face in the room. I didn't want to tell him everything that had been going on and so I looked down again, hoping the ground would swallow me up.

"I don't think se wants to tell me. For some reason, she wants to keep this a secret." Said Grayson.

"I can tell you Your Majesty." Said Olivia. My eyes shot up and stared at her. I pleaded with my eyes for her to not tell him.

"Please don't!" I pleaded with her through mindlink.

"I have to Sophia. Trust me, it is for your own good." She replied back looking apologetic.

"As you know, Sophia's role in the pack is an Omega." Olivia began.

I looked back at her shocked. He knew I was an Omega? I looked into the eyes of my mate and all I saw was love. It terrified me and I shot up out of his lap. He stood up and walked towards me slowly.

"Yes, I know you are an Omega Sophia, but the Moon Goddess does not make mistakes. I believe that we are mated for a reason. Your position here does not make a difference to me. All I know is that I have finally met my mate and I am not letting you get away from me now that I have finally found you." He said, taking my hands in his strong, warm ones. The familiar tingles appeared again.

I stared into his eyes once more and I knew he was being sincere. His golden orbs held love and affection and it was all for me!

"Could he BE any more amazing?" Said Midnight and I had to stop myself from swooning. How the HELL did I get a mate like this? I have never been lucky in my life. It has always been one disappointment after another.

All of a sudden, the door burst open and in came Belinda, breaking me out of my trance. All eyes were on her and her eyes were zoned in on me. She slowly walk towards me until we were face to face.

"Omega! I want food. Now!" she yelled in my face.

I looked down and turned to walk towards the door to get Belinda her food so she could leave me alone until a hand wrapped around my arm. I will never get tired of feeling those tingles. I turned towards my mate and saw that he was looking at Belinda with a face like thunder.

"What did you say to my mate?" He asked in a deadly quiet voice.

Happy New Year to all! Hoping that this year brings a lot more happiness and hope for everyone around the world.

Now, I am coming near to competing this story! Only a few more chapters remain.

Hope you all enjoyed this update and a request to please keep voting and commenting! I love to hear how many of you are enjoying the story. Also any constructive criticism is also welcome.

Until next time folks!

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