Chapter 2

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Sophia changed into her wolf Midnight. Midnight had sleek, black fur, the same colour as Sophia's hair. She was average height for a she wolf but she had strong legs so Sophia knew they'd be able to get away quicker before Cruella and her spawns of evil realised she was missing.

"Ready to go?" She asked her wolf.

"You bet. Let's go" replied Sophia excited that she could finally be free.

Midnight grabbed Sophia's things in her mouth and sprinted like her life depended on it, which it was.

A few hours later, Midnight started to get tired. She found a tree nearby to rest and lay down.

"Sophia! Where are you, you worthless mutt!" screamed a voice in her head waking her up from her slumber. It was Cruella.

Sophia got up and rolled her eyes. She blocked her from her mind and gave a great, big yawn. She stretched and took in her surroundings. Around her, she could see rows upon rows of trees and in the distance, what looked like a house...a pack house maybe? Was she on another pack's land?

She began to panic. The last thing she wanted was to get caught on another pack's land and potentially get killed for being a rogue.

"Calm down dear" came the rational voice of her wolf Midnight. "It's very early in the morning, there isn't anyone around so let's get going before..."

Her voice got cut off when Sophia scented wolves nearby. They must be the patrol!

"We need to get out of here. Now!" screamed Midnight.

Sophia quickly put on some clothes and ran as fast as she could away from the pack border. She could hear heavy footsteps and paws thudding on the ground, telling her that they were getting closer. She kept on running, her arms and legs burning from the pain but she ignored it wanting to get away.

Suddenly, she felt someone pushing her from behind and she landed face first on the ground. Whoever this wolf was, they were heavy! Sophia was struggling to breathe.

"Who are you and what are you doing trespassing on Silver Moon Pack's land?" came a voice from behind.

Sophia couldn't see who it was talking as she was still pinned down face first. She hesitated at first before replying "My name is Sophia Black. I had no idea I was trespassing on pack land. I was just resting for a bit before going my...Aunt."

Suddenly, she was flipped over, facing the voice. He looked to be about 6'3, had wavy, blonde hair. He was rather good looking too with a defined jaw and deep, blue eyes you could easily get lost in. He was wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt so his defined abs were very visible. Sophia couldn't help but stare.

"Like what you see?" he replied with an arrogant smirk.

Sophia quickly looked away, her face as red as a tomato. Suddenly, she was lifted up and was heading towards the pack house of the Silver Moon Pack.

Panic started setting in and Sophia was struggling to breathe.

"Stay calm. Breathe deep." Came the supporting voice of midnight.

"Stay calm? Stay calm? How the hell can I stay calm? What do they want with us?"

"Well panicking isn't going to solve this situation is it? Maybe it might not be so bad. New pack, fresh start"

"I hope you're right."

They had finally reached the pack house and was heading upstairs...Sophia began to panic again.

"Why are they taking us upstairs?"

" time to panic!"

Sophia started to scream and shout like her life depended on it. This made the people grip onto her tighter. Sophia felt shooting pains going up her arms and she screamed even more.

Eventually they stopped in front of a door. Sophia's eyes widened and she immediately shut up when the door opened to reveal an office. The office looked very old fashioned, with a book case on one side and sofas on the other. In the middle was a grand desk and sitting at said desk was a very formidable looking man. He had short, brown hair, was definitely taller and more muscular than the other man which made him even more better looking and he had chocolate brown eyes. He stared straight at Sophia with an extremely puzzled look on his handsome face.

Everyone bowed to him and said "Alpha"

"Oh great! We are now in front of the Alpha! We are so dead!" Sophia thought to herself.

"Beta Mike, what is the meaning of this?" he asked the person to my left, the blonde guy.

"Alpha Dan, we found this rogue on the west border. She claims she is just passing through to meet with her Aunt but I believe she is not telling us the truth." Replied Beta Mike.

Alpha Dan looked at Sophia. Sophia looked down at the floor, not wanting to stare.

"Take her to the cells and get the truth out of her." Came deep baritone voice of the Alpha.

"Cells?" asked Midnight. "Tell them the truth Sophia! I can't handle torture!"

"If we do that, then they might keep us locked up forever!"

"If we don't then we will be tortured to death! So what do you suggest we do?"

"I suppose we have no choice..."

"Wait!" shouted Sophia. "I'll tell you the truth but please don't take me to the cells and torture me"

"very well, take a seat." Replied Alpha Dan.

Sophia landed on the ground with a thump. They weren't exactly gentle with her and she slowly and cautiously made her way to the chair opposite the Alpha.

All but the Beta left the office.

Sophia began to explain everything from the beginning to when her mother got killed by the rogues to her father meeting his second chance mate. About her cruel and evil step mother Cruella and her vile, spoilt step sisters Lara and Zara to her eventually leaving the pack and never wanting to return.

Alpha Dan listened to every word and knew she was telling the truth. He felt very sympathetic towards her.

"What's your level of skill?" he asked Sophia after she was done talking.

" father was supposed to train me up to be a warrior but after my mother died, that never happened. I can cook and clean though..." replied Sophia.

Alpha Dan thought carefully.

"well the only position we have for you then is Omega. You will help cook for the pack and clean."

Sophia looked at Alpha Dan with huge relief.

"Yay! No cells for us! No torture for us!" Sang Midnight,

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Stop that! The Alpha is talking to us!"

"I'll take it. Thank you Alpha!" Said Sophia, her face showing huge relief.

From that day on, Sophia was the Omega of the Silver Moon Pack. She cooked and cleaned and did everything for the pack members.

2 chapters in 2 days! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Until next time folks!

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