Chapter 25

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Sophia POV

After we had eaten our lunch (which by the way was the worst thing I have ever eaten and I've eaten some pretty vile things!), I went to pack what little possessions I had. Gray wanted to come with me but I didn't want him to see where I slept so I told him he could help me with packing my feminine products. He blanched at that and let me go on my own.

As I was in my room, packing, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said.

As I turned towards the door, I saw Olivia come in with a grin as wide as a Cheshire cat. I looked at her suspiciously, wondering what she was up to.

"Thought you might want to know that your mate is gushing about you right now." She said.

At this my face felt flushed and I had to hide my smile. "So what is he saying?" I asked curiously.

"Oh...I don't know if I should tell you or not..." She teased. I needed to know so I did the only thing I thought might work.

"Go on, tell me. I don't want to have to eavesdrop. He will be able to smell my scent. Please tell me!" I begged.

Olivia simply laughed at me. "Ok! Can't have the King know his future Queen is begging. He'll have my head!"

We both laughed at that and sat on the edge of my bed before I turned to her.

"Well, he said he knew you were the one from the moment you both laid eyes on each other at the you met before the ball?" she asked me.

I looked at her sheepishly. "Yeah, when I ran off. I changed into my wolf and ran to the lake which became my safe place and he was there. I didn't know who he was at the time though."

Olivia nodded in understanding and she carried on. "He was going on about how proud he was of you for standing up to your fact, he said it was a huge turn on!"

My face turned beet red and I buried my head in my hands. I could hear Olivia laugh at this and I began to giggle as well. There came another knock on the door and we both stopped giggling. The door opened and in walked my mate and his beta. We looked at them both before falling in a fit of giggles.

Gray looked really confused. "Something funny ladies?" he asked coolly, folding his strong, muscular arms.

"Nothing." We said simultaneously once we had composed ourselves.

He looked at us both unconvinced but thankfully didn't push further for answers.

"Are you packed?" he asked me.

I simply nodded my head before taking my one bag that I came here with in my hands. Gray looked at me like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. I didn't fail to notice the look of pity on his face. I stopped halfway to the door and faced him.

"Please don't pity me. I've led a better life than most. I could have been a rogue but I managed to find a pack that accepted me." I said to him, looking him in the eyes.

His eyes softened and he simply wrapped his arms around me. At that moment, I felt safe and loved. Feelings I haven't felt since my mother was alive. I dropped my bag and melted into his arms. We stayed like that for a while before we heard a slight coughing.

"As sickly sweet as this is, we need to get downstairs before they send a search party." Said Olivia with a smirk.

We let go of each other even though I didn't want to and was about to pick up my bag when Gray got to it.

"I've got it." He simply said with a cheeky wink and left the room.

I will be honest, I had a fangirl moment then and was internally screaming in excitement. I had a huge grin on my face. What on earth did I do to get this lucky? The Mood Goddess was on my side that's for sure.

Olivia hooked her arm with mine and we both headed downstairs.

Once we got outside, I said all my goodbyes to the people that actually mattered to me. Surprisingly, even Belinda came out to say goodbye. I could hold a grudge because that's not me and when I got to her, I hugged her. She froze before she wrapped her arms around me for a hug.

"I'm so sorry Sophia." Belinda whispered.

"All is forgiven." I whispered back.

Once we let go, I noticed tears falling from her eyes. I simply smiled before wiping her tears away.

With that, I headed for the car. Gray opened the door for me and I got in. He got in after me and as we sat side by side, his hand slowly came towards mine before he took hold.

"I'm not going anywhere you know." I said teasingly.

"I know, just making sure you don't run off again." He replied smoothly with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look out the window before I felt Gray's hand take my chin and turn it to face him. He looked deeply into my eyes and I stared back, getting lost in those golden orbs.

"I mean it." He said, "I'm never letting you go again."

I smiled at him warmly and caressed his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere; I promise you that." I told him.

Gray simply smiled and I noticed his face getting closer and closer to mine. My breath hitched in my throat and I instinctively closed my eyes. I felt those familiar warm lips on mine in the most sweetest kiss I have ever experienced (to be fair, Gray has been my only ever, but you get the point!). We both pulled away and kept looking at each other.

Suddenly, I felt a jolt of the car stopping. I broke my gaze away to look out the window to see where we were.

Outside was the most amazing looking building I had ever seen!

It looked like something out of a fairytale. (wink! wink!)

The walls were a pristine white and it was about the size of 10 football pitches! There were beautiful golden patterns decorating the windows and doors as well as tall, looming towers

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The walls were a pristine white and it was about the size of 10 football pitches! There were beautiful golden patterns decorating the windows and doors as well as tall, looming towers.

Suddenly, the door opened and there stood my mate, looking at me like he was proud of himself. I looked at him confused, wondering why he was looking so smug. He held out his hand for me to take which I did and he helped me out of the car. I kept staring at the palace in awe and wonder.

"Like what you see my Queen?" Gray's husky voice whispered in my ear from behind.

I felt a shiver run up and down my spine in a very good way. I felt my face go flush and just nodded, looking at this place that was now to be my home with my mate! What did I do to get this lucky?

I heard Gray chuckle from behind before leading me up the steps to my new life.

I thought now would be a good time to update as you all have been so patient with me whilst I have been going through a lot personally.

Good news, my dad is now out of hospital and back home which is a huge relief. My brother is still in hospital so am praying he will be out soon as well and back home.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and please remember to vote and leave any comments as reading them really do  make my day!

Until next time folks! 

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