Chapter 10

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Sophia POV

The week went a bit too quick for my liking, the closer it got to the day of the ball, the more excited everybody was. Everybody, but me.

Hannah tried to keep the Ball talk to a minimum around me and I really appreciated it.

Alpha Dan always gave me a sympathetic look whenever he was around and it was getting kind of annoying. I mean, out of all the punishments he could have given, this was the harshest yet.

Belinda always rubbed it in my face whenever she could that I wasn't going to the Ball and she made a point of speaking so loud that I could hear everything she said. It was pathetic really, but I kept on ignoring her, knowing she was just trying to provoke me. I was not going to give her the satisfaction...again...

The night of the Ball arrived all too soon and everybody was bustling around, busy getting ready for the Ball. I was in my room, sat on my bed, helping Hannah get ready.

She was currently sat doing her makeup whilst I set her hair in loose curls.

"Oh! I'm a bag of nerves! What if I don't find my mate? What if I do and he rejects me! I don't think I could survive!" Exclaimed Hannah.

"Honey, you look absolutely stunning! When you find your mate, he will not be able to look away!" I reassured her. I finished her hair and she then went into the bathroom to put her dress on. I zipped her up and she proceeded to put on her jewellery which consisted of simple earrings and matching necklace.

It was almost time to go so we headed downstairs where everybody was gathered to make their journey to the Royal Palace. I looked around at everybody, they all looked amazing. I'm sure they will all have a good time at the ball. I noticed a fluffy pink ball of fluff heading our way. As it got closer, I realised it was none other than Belinda. We both looked at each other, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. She looked like a giant walking feather boa!

"Hope you enjoy the loneliness and silence Omega." Belinda sneered at me.

I simply rolled my eyes at her before replying "Well a break from your irritating presence will be most welcomed."

Belinda looked shocked for a moment, almost trying to figure out what I had just said to her.

"Whatever Omega, go do what you DON'T do" She responded.

"Well unfortunately for you, I've already done that so it makes your insult redundant." I shot back.

With that, she just glared back at me and walked away.

"Well done love! You knocked her down a peg or two!" Said Hannah.

"Yeah but at least she gets to go to the Ball. I'm stuck here all alone." I replied back.

At this, the voice of the Alpha boomed across the crowd.

"Ok pack, time to go. Remember you are representing this pack so compose yourselves with dignity." He said.

"Ok hun. I'll see you when we get back. Try and enjoy your evening alone. At least you get a break from the rest for tonight." Said Hannah, looking at me sympathetically.

"Thanks. Will try to. Now, you go and enjoy the ball and get your man!" I replied back.

With that, Hannah headed for the coach.

I saw Alpha Dan look my way and he headed towards me. As everybody made their way to the coaches provided by the King, Alpha Dan looked at me with sympathy. I was really getting annoyed with that look now but I didn't show it. Whether I agree with his decision or not, he was still my alpha and I still have to show him respect.

"I've put plenty of snacks and ice cream so enjoy your evening as best you can. I'm so sorry I had to do this, but as Alpha, I can't be seen as showing favouritism."

I nodded in understanding. I still think he could have given me a different punishment but its too lae to change that now.

"I understand Alpha and thank you. Enjoy the Ball and I'll see you when you get back." I replied sincerely.

With that, he left to get onto the coach.

Hi all!

Apologies again for the short chapter. It's been one heck of a week for me at work and its kept me extremely busy that I haven't haven't had the time to write longer chapters.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. More drama to follow so keep an eye out for updates.

Again, any comments or even suggestions will be much appreciated.

Until next time folks!

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