Chapter 17

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Sophia POV

As I waved goodbye to my one and only friend in this wretched place, I had to stop the tears from falling in front of everyone. I did not want to give any of them another reason to make fun of me. The Omega servant who also happens to be a crybaby. I shuddered at the thought. Once the car disappeared from my line of sight, I turned around and headed for the Pack House. I still had the evening meal to make and cleaning to do and now thar Hannah wasn't with me anymore, It'd take double the time. At this rate, I'd end up sleeping at midnight.

"Aww! Poor wickle omega. Bestie gone off for a better life without her." Came a voice behind me.

Just from the voice, I knew who it was and I was not in the mood to be dealing with her. I simply carried on with what I was doing and tried to zone her out. Unfortunately, she stepped in front of me so I had nowhere else to go. She carried on with her taunting.

"You'll be stuck here for the rest of your poor life. You think you have a mate out there? Forget it! You have nobody. You are all alone and will always be alone." Belinda sneered.

Listening to her words made me feel even worse about myself. I did not have the energy to deal with her. I had just lost my best friend and was all alone again. I knew what she said was true and I did not have a suitable response. As much as I wanted to give her what for, I knew I couldn't without her getting me into trouble with the Alpha. I knew he would not believe anything I said as I'm just a lowly omega.

"And what makes you think that?" Came a deep, growling voice.

I turned around and there stood Alpha Dan. He looked livid, but surprisingly not at me. He was glaring right at Belinda.

"You know, I had my suspicions about your treatment of Sophia, but without proof, it was difficult for me to punish you Belinda." Said Alpha Dan.

At this, I just stared between Alpha Dan and Belinda in shock and disbelief. Will I finally get some form of justice?

Belinda looked like a deer in headlights. She was opening and closing her mouth like a fish gasping for breath. She had no idea what to say to defend herself.

"b-b-but Alpha! She started it first! She-" She began before Alpha Dan cut her off.

"I saw and heard everything Belinda so don't you dare lie to me!" He used his Alpha voice which made Belinda bow in submission. "My daughter Olivia kept telling me what was going on but I refused to believe it as I didn't think anyone from my pack could be so cruel and heartless. I regret not listening." He looked at me with sincere regret.

"Dad, I'm glad you finally see what I have been seeing for a long time." Came another voice and out emerged the Alpha's daughter Olivia. She looked at me with kindness and warmth. It was nice to know I had someone on my side.

"Sophia, I'm sorry nothing was done earlier but I did try." She said sincerely.

I looked at her and smiled. "I appreciate it Olivia. Thank you." She smiled back at me.

"Well, I'll se you in my office now!" said Alpha Dan and with that he headed up to his office with Belinda trailing behind him.

I watched their retreating backs before remembering I had a ton of work to do and headed for the kitchen to begin cooking the food for the evening.

"Wait!" said Olivia. "I know that Hannah has gone, but do you maybe want to be my friend?" she asked nervously.

I looked down uncomfortable. Why would the daughter of an Alpha want to be friends with me? "Um...I don't think you do. I'm just an omega. I don't want you to be bullied because of me." I replied back.

"Puhlease! Anyone try to start anything with you, they'll have me to deal with!" She came back at me.

I thought for a moment before nodding my head. "Ok. Thanks." I smiled at her. She smiled back. "I better head back. I've got work to do and it's not going to get done itself." I joked.

She gave a small chuckle. "Well, maybe I could help. I've always wanted to learn how to cook."

Grayson POV

With the revelation that I've found something connected to my mate, I knew I was one step closer to finding her and this time, I was not going to let her go.

"We're back." My beta mindlinked me.

"Welcome back. Once you've got your mate settled, I've got some important business to discuss with you so meet me in my office." I replied back.

After a short while, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called out knowing it was my Beta.

As predicted, Xander made his way in and settled in the seat opposite.

"So, what was so important that I had to leave my mate alone?" asked Xander with his arms crossed looking intently at me.

"My mate and your future Queen." I retorted back smirking.

Xander' face was a picture! He looked shocked and stared at me in disbelief.

"Ok. That's important. Tell me more"

I began to tell him from the beginning of when I first met my mate and then our encounter at the ball to her running off unexpectedly.

"And now, the only clue I have are her shoes." I concluded my explanation.

With that, Xander burst out laughing, holding his side about to fall over. I stared at him dumbfounded until he had finally calmed down.

"You do realise that there are so many packs and within those packs so many females. What are you thinking of doing Prince Charming? Go to every pack in the land and get every female to try on the shoe and the one that fits is your Cinderella?" joked Xander.

I pondered at the thought...actually, that didn't sound half bad...

"Oh no! Don't you even think about it! Do you realise how long that would take? Plus I have a foot phobia so seeing feet all day will make me queasy."

It was my turn to laugh. I did not know my Beta was such a wimp when it came to feet! I will have to keep that information for any future revenge.

"That is exactly what we must do, plus I'll know because I've scented her before. I'll know her scent so nobody can even pretend to be my mate." I replied back.

"Good point." He answered back. "So when do we start? I kinda wanted to spend some time with my mate..."

"Say no more. I'm not completely heartless. Spend the day with your mate and then we will begin the search tomorrow." I told him and with that I dismissed him.

I mind linked Carla to send an announcement to every pack that I will be arriving at each of their pack to find my mate.

I will find any means necessary.

Another chapter up! Thank you to everyone reading and enjoying my story. 

Please leave any feedback or comment as it really encourages me to carry on.

Until next time folks!

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