Chapter 12: The Nightmare of Nicole Final pt- Nightmare Over.

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Nicole was in shock the most out of the pierce siblings as they heard Violet's news, while Nicole was rid of her Berserker half, a price had to be paid as Nicole herself was stripped of her powers, no longer a mutant.

She was completely human.

Violet: I'm sorry Nicole.

Nicole had a slight sad smile.

Nicole: Well bummer but I guess that's that.

The pierce siblings look at Nicole.

Dustin: Sis...

Amber: Are you really okay with this?

Skyler: Yeah, your berserker mode is now in the desolation dimension but you're powerless now, human.

Nicole: Look it's fine guys. I am bummed out about my powers taken from me but I'm not gonna moan & cry about it. It was my decision to whatever price I had to pay in order to get that monster outta my body.

Gwen: Nicole...

Nicole: Look, just save it... it's done, it's over. Violet, can you teleport us home?

Violet: I can. And again, I apologize-

Nicole: Don't apologize, it was my choice to do it.

Violet nods as she opens the portal as the pierce siblings went through it, heading home as it closed behind them.


In an unknown location, we see a dim lighted room where a cloaked figure was sitting on a throne, watching violet through a Crystal ball with mismatched colored eyes.

???: (chilling, eerie female voice) Hehehe... once again, you never cease to amaze us Witch of the Webs as well as agitate us too. We were so close to possessing that volcanic monster but you always have a unique lock as outside interference couldn't breach the extraction spell... hehehe... but I analyzed everything I needed on the Berserker herself for my plans.

The figure stared at the crystal ball closely, glaring at the imagery of Violet with a low snarl.

???: You were once a feared witch Violet, one of the strongest of the 10 otherworldly witches as well as a high position to the Beast Gods but you gave it all up... to be some sort of protector to lowly mortals. Tch! Being on earth has made you weak... we shall meet again in due time Violet Webb to settle the score, to destroy everything you hold dear and bathe in your pain & despair as you take your last breathe.

The figure let out a frightening laughter which echoed throughout the area.


Days have passed since Nicole was separated from her Berserker half but at a price as her powers were taken away from her too, losing all of her strengths as a mutant. She was nothing more than a human, while she was bummed out about losing her powers, Nicole felt like it was for the best that she gave that up and that she would live her life normally. Nicole then decided to resign from the Black Ghost Corps, much to the louds and pierce team's surprise, The Director granted her request as Nicole left the BGC not before the Director said, "If you ever need something or someone to speak with, you're always welcome back here."

Penny Victor also offered to help Nicole regain her powers through serums but Nicole refused, seeing it only as a pity, considering that she was born a mutant, not experimented on to become one, no offense to her friends and former allies who went through that.

The louds and pierce siblings all wanted to help Nicole but the pierce woman refused it, stating that she didn't need or want anyone's help.

She just wanted to be alone.

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