Chapter 6: The Nightmare of Nicole pt 3- Freak

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Nicole opened her eyes.

Nicole: Aaauuuhhhh....

She slowly sits up and stretched out before cracking her neck a bit, looking around to see where she was. This didn't look like the alleyway where she fought her ex boyfriend Jaiden or the town, it was a dark rainforest surrounded by fireflies giving off eerie purple lighting.

Nicole: Where am I...? How did I get here?

???: Why I brought you here of course.

Nicole nearly jumped out of her leather jacket as she turns to see Violet webb walking towards her with a lantern glowing eerily purple.

Nicole: Huff... Huff... Don't... Do that! I nearly had a heart attack.

Violet: My apologies... now if you'd be so kind, you'll follow me. You wouldn't want to get lost out here in the forest of the feared.

Violet walks down the path with Nicole following her.

Nicole: Forest of the Feared?

Violet: Yes... this is where I live, my domain hidden from parts of the world. However, some interlopers like to trespass upon my land. Either to hide some stolen money, jewels, etc. To try to hide a body of someone who witnessed a crime or got the criminal thrown in jail more or less. Or rich snobs who try to build expensive outings and clubs on my turf, thinking that the Legend of the Willow Witch of the Webs was only a myth, how wrong they were...

Nicole: So... they would trespass on your turf like that? Whatta you do to 'em?

Violet: Sigh... normally, I would meet with the interlopers and give them a warning that they didn't turn back... they would pay dearly. But they would laugh, saying that I was a beautiful yet crazy lady, that I wasn't a witch because I would have to be ugly and terrifying to be one, and forgot about my warning.

Nicole: Yikes, I can tell where this is going.

Violet: I am fond of the beautiful comment but I don't have to be ugly to be a terrifying witch as I haven't forgotten about any of the interlopers. So... I decided to teach them a lesson. So when they came back, who loosed my spider upon them.

Nicole: Spider?

Violet: Yep. (Whistles eerily)

Nicole then heard a hissing sound and the trees rustling while leaves were falling on her as she looks up, eyes widened as she saw a huge, purple eyed, black spider creature looming over the two from the giant web in the trees.

Nicole was about to set the giant Arachnid on fire but Violet stops her.

Violet: No need for that. This is my pet Spider Willow, she won't hurt you unless you trespass here or try to threaten me.

The spider dropped down as Violet rubbed her head of fur, making Willow purr.

Nicole: Hehehe, ok.

Violet then takes out a huge bag of flies from.... outta nowhere as she fed them to her pet Spider, who ate them whole as the Arachnid smiled, showing several rows of sharp teeth.

Violet: Come.

Violet and Willow walk the path with Nicole following behind them as they went deeper into the forest. Soon, they come across a beautiful yet horrifying looking mansion in the center of the forest.

Nicole: Whoa...

Violet: Welcome to my home.

The doors of the mansion opened as Violet leads Nicole inside with Willow shrinking to land on Violet's shoulder as they went inside with the doors closed behind them. Nicole looks around the place, it was quite neat & fancy looking in an eerie, haunted house kinda way with purple lighting illuminating the inside.

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