Chapter 11: The Nightmare of Nicole pt 8- Violet's Spell, A price to pay

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The portal opens up as Violet and the pierce siblings carrying the ill Nicole entered the Forest of the Feared.

The fireflies light up the gloomy area with their eerie purple glow as Violet leads the pierce siblings down the path to her dwelling, not wanting her guests to get lost in her forest. Dustin and Skyler were looking at their sister, who was getting worse by the minute, they hope that whatever solution Violet has will save Nicole in time or she will die and the berserker will be free.

Soon, they made it to Violet's mansion as the witch opens the doors and allows her guests to enter her home.

Violet: Willow.

Out of the shadows appeared the giant spider, Gwen's eyes widened while Amber screams and practically jumped into Reese's arms.

Reese: Agh!

Gwen: Holy Crap!!

Amber: AAAAH! What the hell is that?!

Violet: This is my pet Spider, Willow. She won't hurt you or anything unless you trespass on my land or try to threaten me.

Amber: Oh. Alright then.

Reese then puts her down.

Amber: Ouch! Hey!

Reese: Can we move on?

Violet: Of course. Willow, bring me my spell book from my library as well as a few ingredients from the cabinets.

Willow nodded as she crawls away.

Violet: You guys, follow me to my sanctum. We'll begin the process there.

Dustin, Skyler, Gwen, Amber and Reese nodded as they take the ill Nicole and followed violet through the halls. The siblings look around to see various portraits on violet's wall; One of a young violet with an emotionless expression with the pet spider in her hand, one where violet was with 5 young girls which the pierce siblings could assume that they're Violet's sisters, one where an older Violet was standing with 10 other women with different witch attire & the one in the middle next to violet looked a lot like Lucy but much older.

As they were looking at a few more portraits, Violet called out to them.

Violet: We're here.

The pierce siblings laid eyes on this large room full of various books, a mystic looking throne, a large supernatural circle adorning the floor, glowing eerie purple orbs hanging the ceiling, a perfect stack of cauldrons to the right, a large, strange wooden hoop with a purple gem on top of it on the left, a crystal ball next to the throne and strange weapons & masks hanged up on the walls.

Gwen: Whoa...

Skyler: This place is unbelievably like, uber gloomy.

Dustin: (To Nicole) C'mon lil sis, you gotta hang in there.

Nicole: (weakly) I'll be fine... I'll be... urk... (eyes glowed red; voice distored) I'm going to bring chaos and destruction upon this world! None of you can stop me, none of you-agh!

Nicole fell to the ground, groaning.

Gwen: Nicole!

Reese: Her condition is worsening.

Nicole: Huff... huff...

Violet: Place Nicole in the center of the circle.

Dustin and Gwen help Nicole up as they take her to the center of the supernatural circle and carefully placing her back first on the ground. The giant spider soon came from the shadows with the ingredients and her spell book.

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