9.)"Wanna make him jealous?"he smirked.

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Tears cascaded down my cheeks, damn i am such a mess. I started walking, mind full of a orange head boy whom i believed i loved. It was better this way. I didn't wanna get hurt, i have always loved Jimin, since high school. He was my first love. 

But his playboy exterior made me keep the love to myself. I didn't want him to find it out. I wanted to believe that all that happened last night was his usual fuckboy personality. Not denying that i liked it, but i can never have that man. 

"Boo!" a low voice said from near me. "ahh!" i jumped a good few steps away and fell on my butt. "YOONGI" I yelled, seeing the boy laugh his ass off looking at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"What are you doing here Missy?"he asked. I looked around and saw i was no where near my house but standing in front of Jimin's house. Instinct....whenever i was devastated or really sad, i used to run here, to Jimin. 

"Come to meet him?" He said pointing at Jimin's house. I shook my head and stood up brushing off dust from my butt. "Then who? Me?" He pointed at himself with an amused smile. 

His amusement made me giggle, but i shook my head again. "Cute." He mumbled. I blushed hard and looked anywhere but his face.

"Will you tell me why you are hear once you sop blushing?" He questioned smirking. "I-

The moment i was about to answer him i saw Jimin exiting his house with a Lola sticking to him. I growled and looked at Yoongi. "Yes, i am here to meet you." I said rather loud, so that Jimin could hear me. And he did. His head whipped in my direction but i couldn't read his expression in the poor lighting of the front lawn. 

I grabbed Yoongi's hand and pulled him to his house. I kept glancing behind but i didn't see Jimin. Did he not even care enough for me now that he just let me go with Yoongi whom he rather seemed to hate earlier?

We were in Yoongi's front lawn at the moment. I sighed and remembered that i was still holding Yoongi's wrist. I release his hand and looked up a him. He was giving a frown but he clearly understood why i did that. We heard a car roar to life. Jimin's red Bugatti Divo. The voice soon faded indicating Jimin had left the mansion. 


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"Um..You wanna come in?" Yoongi asked his hands in his pocket. "w-WHAT...why would i?" I asked bewildered. "Well, you just said you came to meet me.....i guess trying to make that little fuckboy jealous. I have more ways to make that happen if you like." He said with an unreadable but a sinister expression on his face. 

I wrapped my hands around my chest and walked a few steps back. He released a small chuckle, "No not like that! Come with me." He said and started walking to his front door. I weighed the options, getting  maybe groped by a 'not so-stranger' stranger and making Jimin jealous or cry whole night....

Well you can guess which one of them won as i followed Yoongi. He twisted the knob and opened the door. The inside was so-bright it made me squint. As my eyes adjusted i saw a old man sitting on the couch with a not so old women. She was not very young like me or Yoongi but younger than the man next to her. Dont know why but i suddenly felt i had seen the women somewhere. I dismissed the feeling and followed Yoongi inside as he ignored the couple. 

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