4.)Lemme Just Hide all Day

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"You love me?" he released my hands and stepped back.

"Oh my god..I am sorry, I am so sorry Jimin. I didnt mean to say it out loud, just forget what i said just." i panicked and walked towards him, but he backed away.

"But, you did say hat..." he mummerd.

Shit...everything is going wrong.....I am going to lose Jimin just because of this stupid ILY. I was panicking and didnt know what to do so i ran. I toke my purse and ran out of his house like my life depended on it.

I exited his mansion, and crossed the street. "Y/N!!" i heard Jimin call me and saw him out of his house only a concrete road separated us. If i ran again, he would catch me, and i cannot deal with rejection and lose right now.

I saw a black sleek car exiting the door beside Jimin's, i squinted and saw it was Yoongi's.

I was blank and saw no other option. "STOP" I stood in front of his car, he looked surprised. Jimin stopped at his position too. I opened the front passenger seat and closed the door hastily. "DRIVE NOW! PLEASE!"

Yoongi stared at me with confusion but drove away as fast as possible. I could see Jimin standing in the middle of the road with a bewildered expression on his face.

When we get far enough, i breath a sigh of relief. "eh..what just happened?" Yoongi asked after a long silence. "Oh i am sorry, you can drop me at the next bus stop-

*ring* *ring*

Jimin had been calling me continuously since we left.

I put the phone on silent and turn to Yoongi. "Its a long story,thank you very much for helping me escape." i gave him a weak thumbs up.

"xxx36829x9" He said.

"What?" i quetioned.

"My number call me in the afternoon at 3, i'll be free then. Tell me the story." He explained while looking ahead on the road.

"What makes you think that i will call you and explain to you?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well its fine if you dont want to, i can just take you back to Jimin and we can talk there itself." he replied and made a sharp u-turn.

"No, no! Fine, repeat you number again" I say. I can just take his number and never call him back, he doesnt even know my house, i smirked internally.

He repeats his number and then drops me at the bus stop. I wave a good bye and wait for the next bus.

Y/N's House

"Ahh.." I plop down on my bed. Phew, that was an exhausting morning. I have no idea what i will do if Jimin comes to my house, maybe I'll just ignore him and not open the door? But he has a freaking key!!!!!GAHHHHHHHHHH

I think i should just leave the house and come back super late. I think for a few more minutes then change into a casual top and take my study bag.

Let's go the the library maybe? But he'll easily guess i am there.

The park? nah....

I settle for a cafe a good distance away from my house. I have been here before but never with Jimin, so he would be oblivious about this place. I enter the cafe.

"Hi! How many i help you? Oh hey Y/n is that you?" the boy behind the counter asks. "Jeon? Jungkook? ITS BEEN SO LONG" i squeal. Jungkook and i used to be great friends when in high school. We both were from Busan, thats why i was close with Jimin too...he was in our school too.

"How are you girl!" He said hi-fing me. "i AM GREAT" I chirp. "So, bunny what are you doing here in Seoul?" I questioned.

"Well, i got a few good vocal classes here and a few companies offered me jobs too." He said enthusiastically.

We laughed and exchanged our numbers. "Still no coffee?" he asked. i shook my head. I am allergic to coffee. "Watermelon squash would be good" i say. "Sure! My treat!" He squeals and does to the back of the cafe. I laugh and find myself a good spot to study for a while.

"Hey Y/N? Wanna go see a movie later? My shift gets over around 5?" Jungkook asked me leaning from behind the counter. I nodded and showed a thumbs up.

5pm? well i have enough time to finish this topic.

Time skips to 4:30pm

Ahhhhh..I strech my arms and legs. I have complete almost a weeks worth of papers i think. I laugh at myself.

The cafe's door bell rings and steps inside a mint haired Yoongi.


I try to hide behind my notebook and peak through the gaps in the spiral. He talks to Jungkook and they seem close. Jungkook gives his signature bunny smile and disappears at the back of the shop.

Yoongi seemed awfully stuck at the cafe door. I collect all my books and hide behind my backpack. COME ON....MOVE DAMN IT...

"Hey!! Y/N! Why are u hiding?" Jungkook walked to me. Yoongi turned to my direction and smirked at my guilty face. "Let's go!" Jungkook interlocked his arm with mine and pulled me up.

"Meet my producer hyung! This is Y/N, she is my high school friend and Y/N, this is Min Yoongi." He said dragging me to him. I gave a nervous smile and a nod towards Yoongi.

"We know each other Kookie." Yoongi said moving his chin to point at me. "You do? Oh great! Let's all 3 go see the movie then!!" Jungkook exclaimed. "Movie?!" Yoongi's eyes widened.


Hoyt Hoyt!!!

*Hobi noises in the background*

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