10.)Hawt as my *****

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It took all of my strength to convince Haru that the hickeys weren't from Yoongi. The girl just wooed and jumped around but got slightly convinced at last. She helped me cover them all up.

Now I was standing in front of Yoongi, motionless quietly literally just staring at his handsome self. His hairs looked so good on him. I dont think anyone other than him could pull off mint hairs.

Yoongi cleared his throat, pulling me from the haze, "I think you should either stop staring or be a little discreet about it." He smirked.

I blushed again and walked to him. The dress all though had a lot of cloth but revealed all the parts necessary to hide. I brushed the dress once again and adjusted it around the waist.

"Stop being so conscious Y/N, you look beautiful." He casually said and opened the door.

I blinked. Did he just compliment me so effortlessly? Does he even know what speed my heart is beating right now? I scoff and walk out the door.

"Now are you going to tell me where are we going and how are we going to make Jimin jealous?" I asked tapping my foot on the stone path. He gave me quick glance and disappeared somewhere. After 2 mins I heard a roar, woah, maybe he is taking out his car-

"OH MAN HOLY SHIT" I couldn't control myself and said loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. "I AM NOT SITTING ON THAT DEATH RIDE." I said pointing at the bike Yoongi just rolled out from his garage.

"Okay then, good luck walking a good few miles

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"Okay then, good luck walking a good few miles." He said putting on his helmet. Not denying that he looked extremely hot and attractive and made me feel like a puddle inside, but i was not going to ride that even if devil himself dragged me.

"I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING! 80% ROAD ACCIDENTS OCCUR OF CARELESS MOTORBIKERS!! I AM NOT GOING TO DIE TODAY." I backed away from the bike. "Y/N, first of all stop shouting, my ears will start bleeding any second and NO you are not doing to die. I am very skilled babe." He winked giving a flirt-ish smile. I knitted my eyebrows together and stared at the ride of devil, "Fine, but if i die today, I am taking you down with me Minty Min." I showed him a finger. He rolled his eyes, "Whatever- wait did you just call me min-

"Let's go! Give me a helmet." I said trying to sit on the bike in my huge red dress."Woah..relax." He got down from the bike and stood near my haphazard self. Effortlessly he picked me up and straightened the dress, spreading it properly then tucking it on the sides so that it didn't get dragged in the wheels. Then he grabbed the spare helmet hanging on the handle and buckled it on my head- gently trying his best not to ruin any of the curls Haru worked hard on doing.

He then pulled the bike off stand and hopped in front of me. "Hold on tight, or you'll go flying away." He said and turned on the engine roaring it to life. I didn't hold him, of course i wasn't going to. He tch-ed and drove slowly out of the house. Once we were on the road, he didn't waste one second and increased the speed to a hellish fast.

I would have almost flown from the bike if he didn't grab my hand and wrapped it around his torso. HE WAS DRIVING WITH ONE HAND! "YOONGI DRIVE WITH BOTH OF YOUR FREAKING HANDS" I screamed and held him tighter with both my hands. I could feel his laugh vibrating through his back. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

I tried my best to maintain a formal amount of distance between us while holding onto him.

After a long 20 mins ride we arrived a at seemed like a huge farm but bright lights and expensive cars covered almost every inch of the area.

There was a valet who took the keys to park cars and stuff but Yoongi didn't stop and drove all the way till the parking lot. Once he found a satisfying spot he got down and removed his helmet. He ran his hands through his hairs, they were a bit messy but made him look HAWT AS MY BURNING PU- [a/n....ok..lets keep this +13....for now..bleh..ahahah...well ik ya'll can guess the word..fell free to..;)]

He hung his helmet on the handle and removed my helmet slowly. I looked at he side view mirror, my hairs weren't as good as they were before...but i have worst hairs on normal days so meh. Yoongi once again snaked one hand around my waist and helped me down from the bike. Damn...my stupid heart..he is just being n-nice...STOP.

We walked to the huge barn of a thing, 3 bouncers in full black suit stood outside. The moment they saw Yoongi he nodded and Yoongi nodded back. They shifted out of our way and we entered through a door 4 times my height. Inside was nothing that i expected.

Huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling, bright lights everywhere. People in all kinds of gowns and suits were chatting and drinking from long glasses. It seemed like everyone had a glass in their hand.

"Woah..." I said mostly to myself. Yoongi started walking, giving small smiles to people not really trying much to mingle. Hmm..he seemed like someone who would be life of the party...what is this then?

In the middle of the room was a dance floor where couples were dancing. I spotted a flash of orange and immediately remembered why and for what i was here with Yoongi. "Yoongi?" i called out his name but he had disappeared from my side. I sighed and walked further inside the buzzing party. What were these people even partying for? But then again rich people dont need a reason to celebrate.

I slid and passed a few people. My eyes were a bit watery suddenly and throat slightly ichy. I sniffed and kept looking for Yoongi.

I saw his dark blue suit near a bar table, I was about to approach Yoongi when my shoulder bumped into someone. "Sorry" a deep voice said.

I looked up and saw a really handsome man staring at me intensely. His hair were a mixture of colors. For the most part, it was light-medium brown, with some parts dyed blonde and with teal highlights. But his eyes were dark brown, which seemed to stare in my soul.

"Taehyung" Yoongi's voice got me out of haze again. Damn...why do i keep finding pretty boys?

He stopped staring at me and turned to hug Yoongi. "Hey hyung! Its been a while!! I hope you like it" He chirped. Yoongi chatted with him for a while before noticing me. "Oh hey! this is Y/N....em...my friend?" he said cocking his head to one side. I smiled.

"Kim Taehyung!" He said. "Well excuse me, i have got a few people to attend to." He gave Yoongi a nod and smile to me and went his way. I blushed at his gesture.

"Yeah, I know he has a pretty ass but you can stop staring now." Yoongi said mocking me. I rolled my eyes, "Where did you go leaving me alone?" I said agitated.

"Aww, cant stay even a minute without me." he said cooing. I gave him a death stare and looked ahead. The dance floor had a clear view from here. Suddenly my eyes locked into two dark orbs full of anger. Jimin....



(If u dont get the link just text me i'll send it to ya)

ajksnsksj i love these orchestral version of the songs!! just go and listen to them.

And....the next chapter is going to be interesting...very interesting if i may say.

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