What the-?

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A/N:(The whole USJ thing was resolved and Reo took Akina back home/ to the flower shop.) (If I missed anything then please tell me.)

Akina's pov-

"Ugh, my head." I sat up and looked around. I was back at the flower shop, in the nursery. I started to sit up but a weight was on my lap. I looked down to see Yui sleeping on my lap with a damp towel. 'She must have been the one taking care of me.' I looked around the room. To my left, there was a door to go to the small greenhouse we have.

 I quietly climbed out of the bed and went to the greenhouse. I looked around for the table so I could start work. As I looked around I saw blueberry hair.  I tapped his shoulders. "Hey Reo, are there any orders today?" He turned around and gave me a pair of gloves. "Yeah, a lot. Turns out that the league of villains didn't only attack the USJ. They sent rookies out to distract nearby heroes. People are sending get well flowers to people who got hurt." I hmm. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Good for us, bad for them... But we can't really complain. It gives us a chance to actually do some work." I turn around, it was Yui. "Now, are you guys just gonna stand there, or are we gonna do some work together!" She smiled and grabbed the basket Reo was filling. Reo grabbed another basket and resumed from where he left off. I smiled and went to deliver some flowers. 

-Time skip- 

I had just finished my last order when I got tapped on my shoulder. I turn around to see the fire hero himself. I slightly bowed. "Endeavor! Do you need something, sir?" He stiffened slightly but then went back to the strict looking hero we all know. "I was wondering how the flower shop was doing. After all, I am the one keeping it afloat. And if you liked my gift..." I could see in his eyes that he internally cringed. 'Akina, no. C'mon, don't laugh at the number two hero.' I gained back my composure and gave a warm smile. " I loved the birthday gift, thank you. The flower shop is doing okay. We are getting a few more customers cause of the up-coming UA sports festival. I'm really excited to see who wins." He nodded and then had a slightly shocked look on his face.

 "I know you're a ghost but speaking of school, do you even go to school?" "Not officially, I just go in and view the lessons as a ghost. No one sees me or hears me. It's a good way to learn as a ghost, but you can't ask a question if you don't get the material and you have to peek over at someone else's books. But besides that, I don't really have a problem with learning." Endeavour nodded again, but this time with his eyes closed. He then said his goodbye and walked away. (He be planning something) 

'What the f-' "Miss, do you know that tall hero?" I turned around once more to see an old lady. 'She reminds me of Miss Kakami.' I gave an awkward laugh. "Oh, not really, he just helps with the company I work for. He gives us funds so we could pay the bills." I gave a slightly sad smile. 'I miss you Miss Kakami... I hope you are at peace.' 

-----587 words-----(Next chapter is coming in a few hours or so!) (Sorry the chapters are a bit short compared to the other chapters. I didn't know what else to right in this type of scene.) (Also sorry this is really late, school work has doubled and I ran out of paper in my journal to write the ideas fo chapters. So I am writing these straight out of my head. Which isn't the best, but I can manage.) (I hope you guys are doing great and have a wonderful day/evening/night.)

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