Off the Bridge

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3rd pov-

A mother and her daughter were walking to the store not too far from their house. It was a rainy night in the middle of spring. The mother was in a nice coral dress that reached to her knees, a long black scarf, and a nice big umbrella in hand. Next to her was a short 13 year old girl with a light maroon dress with a black long sleeve under, black flats, and a small bag not for the groceries but for other small things that fascinate her. While the two walked she'd pick up cool rocks, flowers, and her favorite, leaves. Odd, the girl who's first name stands for spring flower, likes leaves. They were just at a small bridge when the girl stopped. Her mother didn't notice and kept walking, the rain was too loud so she didn't hear that the footsteps next to her weren't there. Now, the daughter stopped cause there was a pretty flower in the river. She wanted it so she could give it to her mother. It was almost as if it was glowing. She tried to reach it but from the bridge, it was just a little too far. She leaned farther and farther until...she fell. Her daughter's scream is what got her attention. She looked back and saw her daughter falling. Time seemed to stop. As she ran to her daughter she cried out her name, accidentally releasing her quirk, to control the weather. It was now lightly raining but it did nothing. The mother fell to her knees, as her daughter's body drifted down the river she saw blood coming out of her head, but as she looked closer she saw her daughter holding a very pretty flower. As the mother started to dial the police number she thought 'The world took the most prettiest flower. With another flower attached with it.'

Akina's pov-

It's cold, wet, and dark. Those are my first thoughts. I opened my eyes to see my body. 'Huh, how can I see myself?' As I tried to walk I started to float. My eyes shot open and I started to spin in circles. "Aah! Someone help! I'm spinning!" Eventually, I stopped. 'Where am I?' I looked around. 'Oh, I'm at the river end!' I then heard crying and screaming. I walk- or float to that area. There were police, my family, and a small neighborhood hero. I could hear my father cry. I saw a little bit of smoke around him. His quirk was heat, he can control the heat in the air. The screaming came from my uncle, he was screaming at the sky. 'What happened?' Like my question was answered I heard the hero say "I'm sorry for your loss. The medics found Akina Amaya, your daughter...dead." At that, I just stood there. 'I'm dead?' I curled up in a ball and wished this was all a nightmare. I stayed like that till I heard someone. It was the voice of an elderly lady. "Hello, young lady. Would you like to come with me? I heard on the news what happened and I wanna help." Her voice was kind and welcoming. At first, I thought she wasn't talking to me but then I looked at her. She was directly looking at me. I was shocked. "Are y-you talking to m-me?" She gave a big smile and said "Who else would I be? You're the only one here. Now follow me. Then you'll see." (follow follow follow follow, follow me see a nightmare in action- sorry) And that's how I met Miss Kakami. 

(Sorry it's sideways for some)She is very nice and owns a flower shop

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(Sorry it's sideways for some)
She is very nice and owns a flower shop. She taught me a lot of things through the years, like how to hold physical things, How to make myself visible, and how to enter someone's dream. She knows a lot of things cause her quirk is called paranormal, she can see the paranormal. She helped other ghosts too but I'm the only one who stayed. My family visits that bridge once in a while to say hello to me. They don't know about Miss Kakami. It's been 2 whole years since I died and I can say it's been fun. I got to meet other ghosts and help others. But the other day I found someone else who's quirkless, but unlike me alive. His name is Izuku Midoriya, I think. He's picked on but he still stays strong. I follow him for a part of the day then go to the shop to help Miss Kakami. If I see a relative I follow them for the rest of the day to see how they're doing. That was my basic routine until one day I was following Midoriya-kun home. 

'Bakugou-kun should be more nice to Midoriya-kun. He could get himself in trouble with a- Huh? Why'd that m-' And just like that a villain came out of the sewer. "Midoriya-kun Run!" He showed no response. 'Oh, right he can't hear me like this...' The villain now has a grip on Midoriya. 'Think Akina Think! What do people do if there's a villain!... A hero! I need a hero. Surely someone was chasing him!' I quickly went down to the sewer and searched for a hero. Not a second later I found a hero. Not just any hero but All Might! I made my outline visible and lead him to Midoriya. I was almost blown away from all the wind All Might created. I saw Midoriya on the ground and floated towards him. At this point, I wasn't visible. I saw him breathing and sighed in relief. I was about to thank All Might but then I saw him chugging down soda... 'Weird' 

Time skip cause this is boring...

I somehow ended up on a roof with a quirkless junior high kid, a skeleton that's supposed to be All Might, and another ghost who looks like a hero. Wait...another ghost!!! I turned to the newcomer but ended up turning too fast. I was spinning, or as Miss Kakami calls it "barreling". When I stopped she looked at me from head to toe. I didn't think much of it since it's kinda rare to find a ghost bloody. Most ghosts die cause of sickness or poisoning. I put my focus on the conversation at hand. But...something she said caught my attention. "I like your dress." It was as simple as that. But to me that was overjoying. You see I got this dress from my mother. When I was a kid She made a mini version of it cause I loved it so much. But when I died she put it on my grave. When I looked towards the ghost hero again she was gone. ' What a nice hero' I was thinking of what kind of hero she made when All Might said something. Something I could not believe coming from his mouth. "You can't be a hero without a quirk." I quickly went to Midoriya and hugged him. He just shivered in response. After All Might left I went to the bridge. It was peaceful.  I walked around a bit and fell asleep. (Ghosts apparently sleep now. Just roll with it!) I woke up to Mount Lady's footsteps. 'Jeez, Can't you walk softer!' I began to wake up and followed her. What I saw I wasn't prepared for. Midoriya running towards the same villain but this time it has Bakugou. I tried to stop him but I went right through. I saw All Might in the crowd, holding his wound. 'I guess his time limit ended.' But, he proved me wrong.

Later when the mess calmed down I followed Midoriya towards home. I was gonna go but then All Might popped up. 'Huh! Oh my calla lily, All Might wants to talk to Midoriya-kun!' I was so happy for him until... "My quirk was passed down to me like a sacred torch." "huh...Huh...HUH! But that's not possible, right!" So, while Midoriya mumbled Amaya was barreling in circles while questioning life itself. 

-----Wordcount: 1340 (So, You made it this far. Thanks for reading this so far.)-----

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