Class 1-A

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Akina's pov-

'It's the first day of school! Yay!' I started floating to UA while saying my good mornings to fellow ghosts. I went alone since I wanted to stop by the flower shop today. Ghosts are running the shop and I wanted to make a few deliveries. I walked into the store to the familiar scent of tea and flowers. I grabbed a full basket and headed out the door. I did my usual rounds around the neighborhood and then start heading to the bridge. I sit there for a while before I had to start heading to UA. I knew I didn't need to go to school cause I'm dead, I just liked learning new things. I was also homeschooled by Miss Kakami. I had a slight shadow on my face. Oh yeah... I shook my head. I decided I'll try and move on. "Oh my, I should start heading to school."

I got to UA and looked around for class 1-A. 'It should be around here... Oh!' I found Midoriya-kun standing right outside the door. He looked nervous so I gave him a hug. I accidentally gave him chills. Once he opened the door we heard yelling. I looked over to see Bakugou-kun and someone with blue hair. I looked around the classroom and saw my little orchid. I couldn't help but smile. She had one of the flowers I gave her pressed down and attached to her bag. 'aww, she made a luck charm out of it.' I decided to float around the classroom and look at the class. "They seem like nice people..." I didn't bother thinking if anyone heard me cause I saw no ghosts around. Most ghosts don't like the idea of going to school and the others who have past family members that still go to school just wait till the end of the school day. "Hmmm, this school year might be boring for them. Maybe I should pull some small pranks on this class. It might make them more lively." So on that note, I started to think of stuff I could do.

In the middle of my thinking, a rough voice spoke. I wasn't quite listening to what he was saying, I was more focused on the fact that that caterpillar was a teacher. Not even a teacher, a pro hero. When he got out of his little cacoon the class began to walk towards the door. I heard a few mumbles about a type of fitness test. (The fitness gram pacer test is a multi-) I put two and two together and decided I'll mess with a few at the field. Like, hug them so they get chills and what not. Little things they can blame on the wind. Once I got outside I saw the teacher standing. "HOW DID HE GET HERE FASTER THAN ME! I EVEN FLEW THROUGH THE WALLS!" I quickly snapped out of it when I realized who he was. "Is that Eraserhead? Well, here known as Aizawa sensei." The reason I knew him was because he saved Miss Kakami once. The store was being robbed by a person with a plant controlling quirk. A good quirk to have in a flower shop. 'His hair is so long...I wanna tie it up.' Just as I was about to try and tie his hair back a bunch of students came out. 'Ugh, there are way too many people here to pull this off. Maybe next time.' I looked around for a place with a lot of flowers when I saw something way too amusing. All Might peeking out the corner of a different building. I floated towards him and sat in the air. 

Time skip to when the scores get put up-

"HOW...HOW! HOW DID HE GET THE LOWEST SCORE! HAGEKURE-SAN GOT A HIGHER SCORE THEN YOU! AND SHE'S ONLY INVISIBLE!" I stopped trying to lecture Midoriya knowing he couldn't hear me. I sighed. I just walked towards the really tall one and sat on his shoulder. This caused him to shudder but I didn't really care. I rid on his shoulder till they got to the locker rooms and then got off. I floated around to see if I can find Aizawa sensei. I really wanted to do his hair. It was the end of the day anyway so the only people who would see are the pros/ teachers and maybe a few students who had to stay back. Once I found him I could help but give a sadistic smile. He was asleep. 

"Aaand done!" I had done his hair in a small bun with a few flowers I found around the school. I also got to move him to a more comfy position so he won't wake up sore. He looked way too tired to be taking care of kids. I left the room to be met by what I recall is the principal. He was just walking past and I fazed through him. He got chills and I accidentally made myself audible as I hit the wall. "Ack, oww. That hurt an auful lot." As I opened my eyes I saw Principle Nezu walk over to me, or well...the wall I hit. It was then I realized my mistake Iand made myself silent again. I moved out the way and just flaoted, very frantically I may add, to the teachers lounge. The only one there was Midnight. From what I saw earlier most of the teachers were either going home or still in their classroom. I decided to give her a bouquet of lavenders to help her relax, also cause it reminded me of her quirk. I tapped her shoulder so she'd turn around and set the bouquet right in front of her. I then quickly started to head to the little bridge. I decided I'd sleep there tonight. It was a full moon tonight and I didn't wanna miss it. 

-----987 words-----(Hope you all enjoy it)(Also sorry there isn't a photo)

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