The Talk

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Akina's pov-

I gave Midoriya the flower I wrapped in brown wrapping paper and a pink ribbon. I had a few band-aids on my fingers, I accidentally pricked myself when I was cutting off the thorns. Midoriya seemed to notice this. "Are you okay? Did something happen?" I moved my hands in an awkward way. "Don't worry! It's part of the job. Nothing big happened." I saw him slightly relax when I said that. 'What really made him come here. If he finds out a little more, it can put us in danger.' I motioned towards the break room and smiled. "Since you're here, why not talk. You said you had a gut feeling?" We both began to walk towards the back and he began to explain.

3rd pov-

Midoriya tried to relax but couldn't shake this feeling off. "I just felt like I would get answers about the villain's attack. Everyone's calling it the USJ attack and then brushing it off. No one really knows about what actually happened. Well, besides the police and the heroes. I just wanted to know if you somehow knew something. I hope not, that would be quite suspicious-"

Mydoriya was then cut off by the window slowly opening and then slamming closed. He froze, she sighed. Akina stood up and locked the window.

Midoriya's pov-

 Midoriya decided to speak up. "D-does that happen o-often! The window moved by itself! I don't remember the forecast being windy, in fact, the weather was supposed to be sunny with no wind and no chance of rain. Unless I was wrong or saw the forecast of a different city, but then again the weather has been just as it said. But- hphm!" Midoriya was cut off with a hand over his mouth. He got back his concentration and looked to see who it is. 

A tall blond stood in front of him. (Let's say she's 177cm /5'8ft. For reference, she's as tall as Sero. Midoriya is 166cm /5'4ft...) "W-what! H-how did y-you!" Yui blankly turned towards Akina. Then turned towards Midoriya again. 'What is happening!' She smiled, a bright sisterly aura coming from her. Then everything went black. 

3rd pov-

Yui was just standing there, with a passed-out Midoriya over her shoulder. Akina just stood there. Staring as her friend just got karate chopped and thrown over Yui's shoulder. She was shocked, confused, and most importantly, ...just utterly shocked. 

-----400 words-----(I swear on my grave I'll make it up to you guys someday. just not today, I'm beaten.)

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