11 | Love & Gunshot.

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Hey readers, I wish y'all a happy and prosperous new year 🎆🎂


She loosened her black scarf which stuck on her head, displaying six neatly arranged cornrows. Her hand snaked around King's waist- she had brought him out of his thoughts.

Why is he always thinking? What is he always thinking about?

Ever since he came from New York, he has been thinking, she has no idea why he is here. I mean, who would leave New York City and come to Nigeria? No offense, Nigeria is a good place, but let us call a spade a spade. Ada had a hunch that he probably did something bad. Or was he deported? No, if he were, his parents would have come to, right? Or did he bring disgrace to the family? Nah, King sure is a good boy, was he always this good? Why would a parent abandon their child? Why...

"Yo" he nudged her a little, her eyes widened. "Why you surprised? Your hand is dangerously on my waist" he teased her- she squeezed him into a tight side hug. "OK?" his eyes feigning innocence. "What is this whole scenario about?" he asked before cutting himself off. ''Wait a damn minute" he snapped his fingers. "Hope it is not what I am thinking?..."

"What you are thinking?" she thought, her countenance fell. She quickly fixed it before he noticed. "You never let me in" she sighed softly. "You smile while you are deeply hurt. It is not fair" her eyes glued to him- he was talking about something, his words were muted out. She smiled at his sharpened jawline, she reprimanded herself for wanting to touch the freckles that sat on his cheek bones. Those freckles were like teeny weeny brown pimples, which can not be noticed until you are that close.

"Just let me in, King..."

"All this while I've been talking, you weren't listening, right?" he had nudged her again before stating the obvious.

"How did he know?"

He abruptly stopped walking, making her halt in her tracks. "Ada, what is it?" he began, piercing into her eyes. "Ever since the rehearsal..."

"Why does he know me so well and while I know little or nothing about him?" she balls her fist with his shirt, she had forgotten her hand was snaked around his waist.

"... I.... Ada?" his eyes were filled with concern, he tilted her head so he could look at her, eye ball to eye ball.

"Should I tell him?" she thought.

"What is it, you're scaring me" he stated.

"Would he tell me?" she shook her head slowly.

"Ada" he grabbed her shoulders, shaking her slightly. "Talk to me"

"No, he won't" she closed her eyes. "Why don't I act like him. Smile and act like you are OK" a smile leaves her red velvet lips. "I just want us to go to Tari's" the lie slipped effortlessly.

Why did I lie to him?

"You should have said so, silly" he hugged her. "If you do not wanna tell me what is going on" he whispered into her ear. "then tell me, you do not wanna talk about it" he released himself from the hug, not surprised that she did not hug back. "do not lie to a professional liar and do not be a professional liar, OK?" he smiled graciously, patting her head softly.

"This is the best time to say it..." she summoned courage. "But you do that..."

"Look at the time" he interjected, checking his wristwatch. "Do you really wanna go to Tari's house and get home early? Or you wanna sit here and chat?" he pouted, cupping her cheeks as she stood bewildered by what just happened. "Bike" he halted a commercial motorcycle.

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