9 | Love & Roses.

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She pulled him out of the class, running like a toddler who wants to buy their favourite candy from the candy store. He could not object her enthusiasm, neither could he question her attitude- an euphoric attitude he had never seen her display in a very long time. In splits of seconds, they were off the brown and white flight of stairs, she took a left turn, heading downstairs before entering the school hall, she led him in and watched out for any passers by, when she affirmed the coast was clear, she locked the door behind, staying away from the window, in case anyone walked by. She slammed him to the wall, pushing herself unto him. He was astonished and perplexed.

"What are you doing, Ada?" he asked, his glasses stuck on his nose.

"Nothing" she smirked, taking his hands to her waist. What an amateur, she thought. Her hands on their own volition wrapped around his neck.

"Em, I haven't, em, this..." his heart flustered, his words hung up in his throat. He knew what was going down. She shushed him with her index finger, standing on her tip toes, her lips was about slamming into his, when...

"Heyo" King slammed his hands on the table, making Tari flinch.

"Why did you do that?" he clenched his chest, trying to stop it from busting out of his rib cage.

"Stop being a drama queen" King smiled. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Where you in your nerd state?" he asked.

"What's that?" raising his bushy eyebrows, Tari asked.

"You know" he began, squatting closer to him. "Avatar Aang, whenever he wants to, you know, connect to the spirit world. Likewise that female avatar..." his finger tapping lightly on his jaw, trying to remember something.

"Korra?" Tari shrugged.

"A-ha, yep" he snapped his fingers in excitement. "So, maybe you were doing your nerdy stuff, zoning out and thinking about physics and chemicals and em, labs and all" his eyes caught something between Tari's thigh. Out of curiosity; "What's this?" his hand grabbed it, they both looked at themselves, Tari's eyes were more widened than that of King. "Oh no" he quickly removed his hand, laughing like an hyena. "It wasn't nerd stuff" Tari vehemently shook his head, trying to convince him it was not what he thought. "Eh, well, it's part of science, I mean, chem-i-stry" he winked.

"It's not what you think" King shushed him up with his index finger. "I'm serious" he swatted his finger off.

"Well, I hope you aren't having sex with her in your mind" his face dropped deadpan.

"No, I swear. It was just a daydream kiss" Tari replied, still trying to convince him.

"A-ha" he snapped his fingers just too quickly, before realizing he missed it. "Wait what? Kiss?" he let a quizzical brow.

"Yeah" Tari lowered his head in embarrassment.

"You haven't..." he decided to whisper. "You haven't kissed a girl before?" his eyes, waiting patiently for a negative response.

"I haven't kissed a girl before" he looked away.

"Hey" he touched his shoulder. ''Don't feel bad, it's OK'' he gets up to leave.

"Where are you going to?" Tari had to ask because he knows that King would tell Ada.

"I am not going to where you think I am heading to, OK?" he began. "I have to wash this, chem-i-stry" he winked, Tari facepalmmed himself.

"I didn't stain myself" Tari defended.

"Sooner or later, you will" he left, leaving Tari speechless.

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