12 | Love & Endings.

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His eyes were glued to the reckless movement of the gun in the hoodlum's left fingers, like a stalking Leopard in the bushes stealthily waiting to pounce on its prey. King had successfully covered a fine distance without the knowledge of the hoodlum. King could not allow a riff-raff kill the closest thing he had to a family, especially when he pointed those wretched fingers at Ada. King observed that the handler of the weapon was a novice or probably must have been drunk. He took a glimpse at his cousin, who must have thought her life was over because he saw her mumbling some words as her eyes were shut so tight that it was glaring she was saying her last prayer. He smiled because he needed the prayer more than she did.

How much are you willing to lay down your life for someone? Is it just fictitious or have you found that one person that you would literally take a bullet for? Don't you think people would actually catch grenades for the ones they love? Now the question here is 'what is love?' As simple as it may sound, love is more complex than we imagine. Love is beyond the cliché response of this millennial generation. Love is not mistaken for lust. Love is beyond erotic feelings and relationship. How much do you love someone and how much can you pay to prove that you love someone?

In the silence of the tensed atmosphere, King had to prove to Ada that he loves her. He could feel his stiffened body relaxed as he let out quivery air through his nostrils. The handler's left pinky and thumb clasped the smokey topaz grip panel while his middle and index fingers lingered at the front strap as his whole hand quivered at the direction of his target. The hoodlum's middle finger moved at its own volition towards the trigger by passing the trigger guard. It all happened in slow motion, King took into his brain cells one last image of Ada's beauty, her hair, her face, her posture, if he died today from the repercussion, he'd take it as a paid penance. The silver bullet accelerated down the barrel, having the prefect projectile, immediately it left the muzzle, the pressure of the explosion suddenly released a loud 'bang'. King's eyes had traced where the bullet would hit, he pushed Tari to the deteriorated floor making a loud thud, King had taken the bullet in his stead. They were both on the floor with King's hand grabbing his lower region that was hit. He winced in pain, seeing the hoodlum trying to make an escape, determined to get the hoodlum, with adrenaline pumping in King's veins, he got up, feeling all macho forgetting he is human. As he was about dashing off to catch the hoodlum, his legs failed him as he slumped head down on debris. He tried crawling stretching his right arm at the direction of the hoodlum however, the pang of that silver bullet in him shot up to his spine as he let a loud cry. Damn, it hurt so bad and they make it look super cool in movies.

Tari's hand slipped off from Ada's waist as he was pushed by King who saved his life and that of his girlfriend. He woke up to reality by King's shriek. He crawled towards him. King had thought he moved to a far distance, unknown to King, he just moved few inches away from where his friends stood.

"KING?!" Tari called, rolling King to his back as he gently placed his head on his thighs. "Oh my goodness, you are bleeding?"

"No, it's red oil-" he spat out blood, coughing. "Fuck, it hurts so bad" wincing and grabbing the affected part of his lower body.

"Rule number one, avoid excess bleeding" removing his shirt with shaky hands, applying pressure on King's bullet wound. "Stay with me, OK?" he maintained pressure on the wound. His face went cold all of a sudden when King's smile faded and his eyes began to close slowly. "King?" he called the first time and King replied with a sarcastic huff before finally closing those eyes.

"Light. Penance. Happin-" were his last mutter before drifting off.

"King, can you hear me?" he asked hopefully waiting for a response. "ADA!!!" he yelled at her frozen body. "King, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey" he tapped his face gently. "ADA" he called again. "King, please, say something, anything. Come on, make a sarcastic remark or just say something. Anything." he said desperately, his voice trembling as his hands were coated in his friend's blood. He got mad at Ada whose eyes were still shut. "ADA, DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!!"

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