4 | Hello, Tari.

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🖋I think my author's note should be at the end of each chapter 😂 I'm just so excited about talking to y'all at the beginning of each chapter. Enjoy this beautiful chapter🖋


King's first week in school was so dramatic. On the first day, he had to accept his new life despite not giving a clue about his past life. He got wet from a speeding car, the driver must have been probably stupid or mad, so he thought, because till now, King cannot still understand why such a licensed driver would speed on a bad road filled with portholes, come on. As if the driver incident was not enough, nature decided to sprinkle and by sprinkle, King meant, shower with heavy water and to crown his misery for the day, the sun busted out from those cumulonimbus, making him sigh in disappointment.

Ada, Funke and most especially pidgin boy played huge roles on his first week of schooling. The teachers, Mr. Baldie, King's favourite, how can he forget what he nicknamed Ada.

Ever since King told Funke those hurtful words, she refused speaking to him. King on the other hand, took it way too far. He would roll his eyes when their eyes meet. Murmur something when they get to walk past each other, making her damn curious.

King cared less about Funke when it comes to Ada, he is willing to keep malice or fight anyone including pidgin boy.

King's face shrunk at the thought of Ekene. It was the fourth week and Ada started clinging onto Ekene like a koala on its tree. King did not feel jealous, because there was more to Ada and his relationship. All he felt was sadness.

Yes, he was sad because he had to push Funke aside for her and he remembered clearly discussing with her concerning getting close to pidgin boy. Doesn't one good turn deserve another?

He stared outside, filling his eyes with the evergreen tree that seemed to bear no fruit. The school was a two or three, maybe four storey building. Well, King has not had time to count the storey. He hated the school, his life and most especially his parents for making a decision without his permission. Well, although King has a past call to answer, he still felt that such life changing decisions should involve him. Now, he has to live with his cousin in a not too good environment. OK, don't look at King as a bad person or as an ingrate but come on, can you compare a mansion abroad to a duplex in Nigeria? Now, do you see why King is always cranky about everything?

His eyes twitched as he sees a woman carrying a blue bucket on her head, it was filled with water. Her hips swayed as she took each step, for a second, if not a minute, her hips were so mesmerizing that King could not help but stare... Now that's one thing you do not see overseas.

Not trying to get sexually active, his eyes unconsciously darted over to some kids playing some weird games. Are they not supposed to be in school? He shrugged.

Using the building top floor as an advantage, he rested his head on the bulgar-proof, his eyes scouting for something interesting, since the class decided to do whatever they are doing; sitting in groups, either gossiping or revising.

Ah yes, this school did something called Mid term test, which literally means at the middle of every session, which they call 'term' over here, students are given test from each subject which would be added to both their exams and assignments. This school's assessment was really great, King could remember when teachers give marks for attendance back there. He always took the brain of his mother, damn, that woman's a human calculator. Sometimes he wondered why he was in the 'arts department'. To be honest, he never liked chemistry or physics and guess what further maths is a subject, not geometry, but further maths and this ridiculous subject is fuc... This subject is compulsory for all departments. How sweet.

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