° Birthday °

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July 20th. Oikawa's birthday.

I had stayed over at his the night before on his request. He said that he wanted me to be there when he opened his presents.


I felt a shaking on my shoulder which woke me up from my slumber.

"Y/N-chan! Y/N-chan!!"

"What?" I said, half asleep.

"I'm eighteen now!" He replied, I could almost hear the grin on his face.

"What time is it?"



Thankfully, he stopped disturbing me then but I don't think that he listened to me.

I eventually woke up at eight, a reasonable time to get up.

"Happy birthday, Tooru." I said whilst yawning.

"You're awake!"

"Indeed I am. Now, you wanna open your present?"

"Ooooooh. Yes please."

I reached under the bed to grab the perfectly wrapped gift. When I handed it to the brunette beside me, his eyes lit up immediately.

"AHH! What is it??"

"The whole point of a present is for you to open in and find out."

He stuck his tongue out at me due to my response before taking the wrapping paper from the present.

He opened it to reveal a crown sat on top of a reagal cloak.

"I was very much inspired by what that little Karasuno first year called you. Hinata was it?"

"Yeah. Haha. I can now be the Great King." He wrapped the cloak around himself and knelt in front of me on one knee, gesturing to the crown.

I picked up the crown and held it above your head.

"I now crown you King Tooru the Great. May your rein be long and fruitful." I declared before placing the crown atop his head.

He stood back up to his full height and took my hand in his.

"My queen." He said, kissing my hand causing me to laugh as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Are you still sunburnt?"

"Nah, I'm just warm." I said, brushing off his comment quickly.  

The evening soon came along and Tooru insisted on hitting the town.

"Why do you wanna go out. You can't drink until you're 20. We're not in Britain you know."

"No, but Author Chan is so who knows, I might be able to."

"Either way, I'm still 17." (If your birthday is April-July, I'm sorry)

"Damnit." He thought for a minute before saying. "Let's just go to a park or something. Watch the stars for a bit."

"Sounds good to me."

We left the house just as it was going dark. (Which was pretty bloody late due to my best friend deciding to have his birthday on the longest day of the year, selfish little- let's stop that there).

As we walked to the park, it was getting darker and darker and it was getting harder for me to see. I grabbed onto Tooru's hand so that I didn't loose him.

"Woah, what's up with you? You're not usually the one to initiate contact." He said with a slight chuckle.

"I don't want to get lost."

That was true, but I must admit. His contact felt nice. It felt warm and safe. Like I never wanted to let go.

We soon arrived at the park and sat under a tree. The night was still warm and the grass under us felt soft.

"Thank you, Y/N." The boy beside me began.

"For what?"

"For making my birthday so great."

"Oh, you're welcome." I said.

I felt his arm slither around my shoulders before pulling me towards him, making my heart rate increase.

"I couldn't think of a better best friend to have."

"Right back at ya."

Ahh yes. Friends. That is all we'll ever be. He's too good for me. It hurt. Surprisingly more than I thought.

Oh well.

I looked up to the stars, noting the constellations and watching them twinkle.

The moon was big in the sky, the crescent curling around perfectly. It reminded me of Luna and Artemis.

"Pretty, isn't it?" I said.

"Just like me." Tooru said.

Silence fell between us before we both started laughing.

"God, you self centered piece of trash." I said though my laughs.

"You love me anyway." He answered.

"True, true."

After that, we couldn't keep a straight face. Laughing at the most inconvenient of times.

"Jesus Christ, my mouth hurts, I'm not used to smiling this much." I said, attempting to calm down.

"That is why you get fangirls, teaches you to smile."

Oikawa insisted that I stay over at his again that night, which my parents agreed to.

We made our way back to the house, my hand in Tooru's again to make sure that I didn't loose him in the dark.

Once we got back, it was almost midnight and Tooru's parents were both sound asleep.

"Shh." I said, trying to make sure that my best friend didn't make any noise.

Of course this didn't work.

He was still laughing slightly. I was so stressed we were going to wake someone up.

Once we got to Tooru's room, I shoved him in and quickly shut the door.

"What part of shh do you not understand you goon?!" I whisper shouted.

"Sorry Y/N-chan." He said with a massive grin on his face.

"It's fine."

"You can't stay angry at me, can you."


Why hello! I hope all of you had an amazing Christmas. What did y'all get? I finally got Dr. Marten boots. I'm so happy. My punk style is almost complete! Goodbye for now.

- H xx

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