° Matsukawa °

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The first week of November had passed by quickly and it was soon the morning of my day with Matsukawa. We were meeting at 2pm at a small independent coffee shop halfway between our houses. It was currently half twelve so I decided to get up and dressed.

I went to my wardrobe and pulled out something quite casual but it still made me look good.

I looked in my mirror, making sure I looked good and then headed out, putting my earphones in as I went.

The November sun was low and blinding. I could barely see what was five steps ahead of me. Without realising, I bumped into someone, causing us both to fall to the ground.

"Oh no, I'm so, so sorry!" I said picking myself up from the ground and placing out a hand to help the other person up. "Tobio-chan?"

"Oh, sorry, L/N-senpai. I didn't see you there." He said rubbing the back of his head.

"No, no, no. This is completely my fault. I came out for a walk without sunglasses." I explained.

We nodded a goodbye to each other and walked our separate ways. I wondered where he was going. I don't see him around here much.

I shrugged it off and continued to walk to where I was going to.

It wasn't much further and I arrived there with five minutes left to spare. I stood outside, waiting for Matsukawa to arrive. I could see his silhouetted form walking towards me, the sun glaring from behind it. I was only able to make out his facial features when he was only a few steps ahead of me.

"Hey, Y/N." He said to me as we walked into the coffee shop.

"Hey, Matsukawa. How are you?"

"I'm great actually. Also, you can call me Issei, I don't mind."

"Okay then, Issei."

We walked to the counter and gave our orders. Issei was nice enough to pay for the both of us. We sat down and waited for our orders to come. There was a slight silence between us so I decided to strike up a conversation.

"Winter break is soon, what do you plan to do?" I asked.

"I'm gonna spend some time with my family. We usually go down to my auntie's at that time of year. What about you?"

"I don't really know to be honest. My parents are always off on business trips. I think they're back for the holidays but I don't know for how long." I explained.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry, I'm used to it. I practically live by myself."

The chatter between us carried on quite fluently. Throwing banter back and forth and laughing with each other.

I was enjoying it, but I felt as if Issei was enjoying it more.

After we had finished our drinks, we decided to walk around the park across from the coffee shop. The sun was beginning to go down despite it only being four in the afternoon. Winter sun I guess.

The once orange leaves on the ground were starting to melt into nothingness. It seemed as if the colour was drained from the world. But that didn't stop the laughs coming from the two of us.

Matsukawa was smiling brightly, with my grin almost as big as his. 

Soon, the evening was drawing near and Issei offered to walk me home.

He seemed nervous on the way home, as if he was thinking something over. As if hesitant.

As we reached my house, I stood on my doorway, him facing me.

"Thanks for today, Y/N. I really enjoyed it."

"I did too." I smiled. I noticed that he was leaning closer to me before stopping and snapping back.

"Have a good evening." He said before walking down my driveway.

I unlocked the door and walked into my living room. The lights were all off so I reached for the light switch before I heard something.

"Oh, so you're back." The voice made me jump out of my skin and scream. I quickly switched the light on to see Tooru at my side.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE?!" I shouted at him, my heart still racing from the shock.

"I have a key remember. I was waiting for you to get home. I made you dinner." He showed me his signature grin, but there seemed to be a weariness behind it. I made my way to the dining room to see two bowls of noodles on the table.

"You didn't have to do this." I said sitting down.

"I wanted to." He replied before seating himself opposite me. As we ate, we were silently enjoying our food. Tooru wasn't the best chef in the world, but noodles he could do well.

After we had finished eating, I helped him wash up in the kitchen before we went into the living room.

"So how was your date?" Oikawa asked. He tried to say it nicely but I could tell that it was a struggle.

"Oh, it wasn't a date. Just two friends."

"Really, because it surely didn't look like that from what I saw."

"WERE YOU WATCHING US OUT ON THE DOORSTEP?!" I said, my voice raising to match my shock at my so called best friend.

"As a matter of fact I was, and it sure looked as if you were far more than just friends. Don't pretend, I saw him about to kiss you!"

"I don't feel that way about Issei!"

"Oh, so you're on a first name basis now?"

"Why are you so bothered anyway?"

"HE WAS GOING TO KISS YOU! You're so fucking oblivious, Y/N. Take a good look at the people around you and figure out who wishes to be your friend and who wishes to be more than that."

"Get out." I said. No emotion in my voice.

"What?" I could hear a sense of sadness in his voice. He knew he had hurt me.

"Get out of my house, Oikawa."

He walked past me, leaving me stood in the middle of the room. I didn't move an inch until I heard the front door shut. After that, tears began running down my face.

His final words were swirling around my head, and it would be a while before I realised that he was on about himself.

Hello there! I hope you're enjoying this book! I'm actually nearing the end of the story now. Probably only two or three chapters left. I know, I can't write very long stories. Sorry if you were expecting like 30 chapters haha. Anyhoo, hope you are all doing well.

- H xx

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