° The End °

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I fluttered my eyes open to my head lay on Tooru's chest, using it as a pillow. I blushed remembering the events of last night.

The way his lips felt against mine, the sincerity within them. It made me blush even harder at the thought.

"Good morning, Y/N-chan." I smiled at the sound of his voice. He'd obviously awoken before me but hadn't moved in fear of stirring me from my sleep.

"Morning." I replied before turning around to look him in the eyes. He used his right hand to cup my cheek and stared at me lovingly.

"I know we only confessed to each other last night but I want you to be my girlfriend, Y/N-chan." He said, my belly filling with butterflies at the sound of the g-word.

"Of course I will be." His face beamed at that, his classic smile showing. The one that he didn't put on for show. He shifted around in the bed before sitting up, his back leaning against the headboard.

"We should probably get up." He said before pecking me on the lips and going to his drawers. He chucked me one of his hoodies to wear as I hadn't brought any clothes of my own again. "My sister's room is the one next door, her old clothes are in there." He said, looking at me with another smile.

I made my way to the room he said. I rooted through the cupboards to find underwear, a tank top and a pair of jeans to wear with the hoodie. I also had the belt that I had worn yesterday. I got changed and went back into Tooru's room to find him in a shirt and cream jumper, wearing his glasses.

"It's a good job your sister is the same size as me but I now feel incredibly underdressed." I said with a giggle.

"You look beautiful no matter what." He said. I blushed at his statement. He stood up and embraced me in his arms. He was touchy beforehand. No doubt he was going to be even more touchy now. I didn't mid though. It showed he loved me.

"Anyway, where are we going so early?" I asked, noticing that his blue coat was out.

"I was planning on watching Karasuno take on Shiritorizawa. You don't have to come if you don't want to."

"No, I'll come."

We ate our breakfast together (Tooru made it for me) and then headed out to walk to the sports centre.

We took a seat near the top, away from both the Karasuno and the Shiritorizawa crowds. The noise was deafening. The commentators announcing every member of the two teams. I held Tooru's hand in mine, knowing that he'd need the support. I could tell he was devastated that he wasn't playing.

"I didn't expect to see you two here." A voice behind us made the both of us jump. Looking back towards the source of the sound, we saw Iwaizumi there.

"Oh hi Iwaizumi." I said, my heart still beating rapidly from the shock. He went to sit beside Tooru, noticing our hands in the process.

"Took you long enough, Shittykawa." I blushed but Tooru got defensive as usual.

"You're so mean to me Iwa-chan." He said, pulling a pouty face. Both me and Iwaizumi rolled our eyes at the handsome brat. "Not you too, Y/N!" That was when I burst out laughing. Oikawa just sat there, an annoyed look on his pouty face.

The game was incredible. It was so close between the two teams, the final few points causing everyone in the crowd to hold their breaths. The tension high between the two teams. The cheers when Karauno won pierced my ears. The sound filling them completely, threatening to deafen me. I was glad Karasuno had won, seeing the look on Tobio-kun's face was heart warming. He smiled. HE HAS NEVER SMILED BEFORE!

We left before the awards ceremony but we could still here the cheers halfway down the street.

"What do you want to do now, Y/N-chan?" My now boyfriend asked me.

"Why don't we go to mine and watch a film?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me." He answered before heading over to mine, his hand enclosed around mine.

Once we got to my place, we went into the living room.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Whatever you want."

"THAT'S FINE BY ME!!!!" I shouted making my way over to my DVDs. I pulled out the top one. Oikawa was complaining behind me. He knew what he'd done and he wasn't getting out of it. I placed the film into the DVD player and sat down next to Tooru, putting a blanket over the two of us. The film started and I was getting excited.

"The evening star is shining bright, so make a wish and hold on tight. There's magic in the air tonight and anything can happen." I started to sing, my head resting on the shoulder of the boy sat beside me.

"I'm gonna see you cry at the death of a bug aren't I?" He said.

"Yup." I replied, looking into his brown eyes.

"That's fine by me." He smiled, bringing my face to meet his and connecting our lips. It was sweet and passionate. He pulled away.

"Or maybe we could do something else." He winked at me.

"After the film." I said, knowing that it would annoy him. He was not getting out of watching me cry about Ray.

"Awww." He said before putting his arm around my shoulders and drawing his attention back to the movie in front of us. "I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I replied.

Pros and cons of knowing Oikawa

Pro 3: Mine

Hello everyone. It's over. I loved writing this so much and I'm so sad to see it come to an end. Alas, all things eventually have to come to a close. To all those who have stuck around to read this, I hope you enjoyed it. If enough people ask for it, I might make some bonus chapters. (I'll do anything except lemons, I'm only 14). Also, if you want, you can try and make assumptions about me in the comments, I think that'll be funny. Anyhoo, I'll miss you all and I hope again that you enjoyed this story as much as I loved writing it. For the final time.

- H xx

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