° Tooru °

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The sound of the whistle coming through the screen filled my ears. I was on the edge of my seat, wishing I was there in the crowd. Wishing that I had the confidence to be there with Oikawa and I still not being on speaking terms.

The first person to serve was obviously Oikawa. His serve was received surprisingly quickly by Karasuno's captain. He managed to get it to the libero. Wait... THE LIBERO? A libero set? I had never seen one of these done so perfectly. Karasuno had sure been gaining new tactics to impress us and deceive us. The set went to the ace of the team who scored the first point of Karasuno.

This game was going to be harder than I thought. From the screen I could see my previous best friend's face full of anguish, clearly annoyed that his serve had gone to waste.

The game continued on neck and neck, one team scoring after another. It was intense to watch. I wanted so much for my friends to win, but that was looking harder and harder by the second. Karasuno had gotten better every time we had played them, and right now, they were not disappointing.

And then there was Hinata. The boy that managed to surprise even the most experienced of blockers. But we had an advantage. Our blockers had faced him twice before. They knew his strength and his methods. The one blocking them all, Matsukawa. Every time the short ginger thought he had made it through, Issei was there to either stop the ball or guide it towards someone waiting to receive it.

The first to reach set point was the opposition; however, we weren't far behind.

"Come on, boys. Please." I said, despite nobody except myself being able to hear me. If they lost the first set, their morale may be shattered, meaning that they may not have the motivation to work to win the game. And they couldn't afford to loose. If the game were to end in a loss, I knew that it would break Tooru beyond all measure. I couldn't afford him to be hurt like that. Why? Because I still loved him.


And that was when it clicked. The whole reason he had been mad at me was because he was in love with me.

"Oh god, what have I done?"

I ran over to his house, texting his mother before I did so, just to let her know I would be around. She was at the actual game but I had to be there for him when he got back. I needed to apologise.

I used my key to let myself in and went up to my once best friend's room. I switched on his TV and continued to watch the match. The first set had gone to Karasuno and the second had gone to us. The third set rattled on, the points counting up between the two teams. It was still too incredibly close to call.

I had gotten there as the Karasuno ace had stepped up to serve. His serves were very impressive. The amount of power that went into them could easily go against Tooru's any day. He managed to gain two service aces but thankfully, we broke his rhythm.

I could see four eyes on our opposing team was blocking multiple attacks from Mad Dog. Mad dog was not pleased with this in the slightest. Even through the screen, I could see the dark aura surrounding him, threatening to explode out at any moment. Before it could, however, the whistle blew, signifying an interchange of players. Taking Mad Dog off the pitch was for the best but he didn't look too grateful.

It seemed as if the two teams were at war. Neither winning or loosing, just attacking relentlessly. The brutalness seemed to never cease. Both teams hungry for the win, craving it like how a tyrant craves control.

The tension seemed high, but not high enough for Tooru's serves to fail. He managed to hit one that went flying past Karasuno and landing just before the court edge. It was spectacular to see. However, he didn't rule the court for long. His next serve was received by the dark haired captain who I noticed now had a bruise on his face which must have been from a previous game.

Both teams were getting close to match point and it soon went into a deuce. We just needed to get three consecutive points. Then we would win. Then we would continue to the final. I begged for an opportunity to come to light. For just a single gap in their defence. Somewhere where we were able to score the points needed to win.

Then the unbearable happened. Karasuno 25, Aoba Johsai 24. The silver haired number 2 was serving. He placed his serve, forcing Iwaizumi to receive it. It caused him to loose his balance. We needed to get this point if we had any hope of winning but the ball was out of the court and going to land any moment. I had lost all hope until I saw the brown haired captain run to the ball and set it back to Iwaizumi who spiked it. I thought we had gained the point, but no. The Karasuno captain was there prepared to receive the oncoming attack.

The ball flew high into the air, spinning and coming to Tobio-Kun who set it backwards straight to Hinata. The middle blocker spiked the ball. Oikawa ran to where the ball was about to land, it hit his arms but it was too late. The ball ricocheted off of him and landed behind the court, out of bounds.

We had lost. We were never going to nationals now.

I witnessed every single heart on our team crack right before my eyes. Tears started streaming down their faces and before I knew it, they were running down mine too. I switched off the screen and lay on my back on Tooru's bed.

He probably didn't want to see me now. I should go home. But I need to talk to him and if I don't do it now, will I ever have the courage to do it again?

Half an hour passed before I heard the Oikawa family return home. I didn't know if Tooru had been told by my mother that I was here but he was going to find out soon enough.

When I heard the doorknob begin to open, I stood up, preparing myself. He shut the door and his teary brown eyes looked up to meet mine. His eyes widened for a second but then he did something I didn't expect him to. He ran up to me and embraced me in his arms. My face hit his chest as he wrapped himself around me.

"I'm sorry." I said before tears began rolling down my face again.

He began stroking the top of my back before saying through his tears, "I'm the one who should be sorry."

He slightly loosened his grip on me in order for our tear stained eyes to meet. He kept one hand on my cheek and in that moment, I don't know what sort of bravery came over us. We both edged towards each other before our lips met. The kiss was soft and sweet but had many emotions packed within it. It was full of regret and longing along with apologies and understanding.

When we broke apart, he brought me into his chest again.

"Stay." Was all he said.

That night, I experienced the best nights sleep I had had in weeks, Tooru's arms wrapped around me. Forgetting the world together.

Hello my dear readers. Aaaaaa finally they're together! Took 'em long enough. Anyhoo, sadly this series is coming to a close with their probably only being one chapter left (two if you're lucky). I have absolutely adored writing this book and I hope y'all stick around for one more chapter.

- H xx

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