° September °

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The summer holidays were over as soon as they had begun. Soon we had to go back to that dreaded place known as school.


Ah. I knew that there was something missing this past month. The thing that had previously forbid me from having my best friend all to myself.


They crowded around the two of us, all trying to grab Tooru's attention and pull me away from him. I had three girls gripped onto me, pulling and pulling at me. One was on my blazer, one on my bag and the other on my skirt. The began to drag me into the crowd.

"Tooru!" I yelped but it was no use, I had been pushed out and I had no way to get back to my best friend.

"Geez, is it me or have they got more ferrel?"

I turned around to see Matsukawa.

"Oh, thank god you're here. I was starting to worry I'd have to walk by myself."

I could have sworn that there was a hint of pink on his face but it was most likely a trick of the light.

I followed Matsukawa to the gym where Kunimi and Kindaichi were helping Iwaizumi to set up for morning practice.

"Oh, hi Y/N." Iwaizumi spoke. "Where's trashykawa?"

"Missing in action. Fangirls dragged me away from him. Seems that they can't cope with being away from him for two months." I rolled my eyes, hoping that Tooru would get away from them soon.

"I'll go get him." Sighed the ace. "Do you mind setting up the rest with these three?"

"Not in the slightest."


He left the gym with a ball in his hand (that would most likely be thrown at Oikawa's head).

I helped the three boys set up. I kept noticing Matsukawa looking at me from a distance which reminded me of Tooru's inference a few months ago.

"Hm. Maybe Tooru was right." I said to myself, quietly so nobody would hear. Suddenly, I heard a commotion coming from just outside the gym, I made my way to the door to investigate.

"Iwa-channnnn! I can't just leave them there." Tooru was stood rubbing the back of his head, Iwaizumi stood over him with rage built up on his face.

"You're the captain, you're meant to be the first here, but no. Every time, it's me. Why? Because you're too busy with your fangirls." Iwaizumi shouted.

"They surround me? I can't help it! They'll do anything to get near me. You saw what they did to poor Y/N!" Oikawa shouted back.

It was very rare that my best friend got angry like this. It was a big surprise and a little scary.

"You could have stopped them! You could have stopped them from attacking Y/N! You could just tell them to stop!" Iwaizumi was getting closer and closer to Oikawa. The two of them clearly didn't know I was watching.


Those words hit me like a tidal wave. Did I hear that correctly? More than a best friend? What does that even mean?

Tooru was beginning to tear up.

"If they found that out, who knows how far they'll go? They're maniacs, Iwa. Maniacs who won't stop at anything. I can't let anything happen to her. I'd feel so guilty." He now had tears staining his face, his back against the wall, slowly dropping down to the floor.

I walked back into the gym, making sure neither of them knew I was there.

Thoughts raced through my head. What had I just heard? Does he mean in a love way or a sisterly way? Should I just leave it? Maybe he was faking it to stop Iwaizumi being so mad at him.

"Y/N-senpai?" A voice broke me out of my trance. I saw it was Kindaichi in front of me. "Are you okay? You seem out of it."

"Yeah, just had a bad night's sleep. Nothing to worry about."

He left me there but I knew he wasn't convinced.

"Y/N-chan! Let's get some milk bread!" Tooru exclaimed as we walked past a shop selling the delicious food on our way home.

"You paying?" I jokingly asked.

"Of course." Damn, he was serious.

We got two milk breads and ate them on the rest of our journey. Tooru had his arm around me and I couldn't take my mind off what I heard this morning.

"Hey, we could here you and Iwaizumi shouting at each other this morning. We couldn't make out anything you were saying but we knew it was you. Everything okay?"

The brunette beside me stiffened at the mention of this morning. He was clearly worried that I'd overheard, which I had.

"Oh, just a little disagreement, nothing to worry about." He said. You could hear the anxiety in his voice perfectly but I didn't pick up on it.

The rest of the walk remained mainly silent. Not uncomfortable but silent.

Once we got to my house, Tooru said his goodbyes and left me on the doorstep.

Once I got to my room, I flipped on my bed and allowed my mind to wander. But it only ever came back to one thing.

I was worried about him. During those moments, he looked broken down and tired, despite this being the first time with them in two months.

Why couldn't he express these concerns to me? Did he really mean what he said or did I misread the situation?

I mustn't overthink.

But knowing me, I always will.

Why hello! I hope this chapter is alright for y'all. This went in a different direction than I was expecting but I liked where it went. I don't know how many more chapters there will be but I know that we're definitely over halfway now. (If you look at my other stories, you'll know that they're usually around 15 chapters). Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed.

- H xx

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