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The sound of the phone camera filled my ears. Upon the screen I could see a picture of me with a boy of the same age who had his arm wrapped around me and was holding up a peace sign. He had chestnut brown hair which flowed in small flicks from his head. His eyes were the same colour as his hair and had a sparkle to them which made girls go crazy.

This was Oikawa Tooru. My best friend. He also just happens to be the most popular man in all of Miyagi. Due to this, I have to put up with this everyday:

"3, 2, 1" I counted down and as if on cue, screams filled my ears before my friend was surrounded by the many girls that the sound came from.

Pros and cons of being friends with Oikawa

Con 1: Fan Girls

"Oikawa-san, you're so pretty!"

"Oikawa-senpai, will you go on a date with me?!"

"Senpai! I made you a bento!"

These were all common things said to the king of Aoba Johsai. He was showered with gifts daily and if anyone asked him if he could spend time with them, he would simply say:

"I'm sorry, I'm spending time with Y/N." Which he would follow up with putting his arm around me. This then resulted in my second daily torture.

Con 2: Death glares.

Every single girl in the crowd latched her eyes onto me with a murderous intent. Their feeling to want what I have is so great that they will go to any means to get it, whether this be intimidating or bullying. Thankfully, it's usually the first as Tooru was able to stop that pretty soon. I remember it well.

Pro 1: Protective

I was making my way out of the school entrance, walking to the gate where I would meet Oikawa when a group of four girls circled me. They wouldn't let me walk to my destination, trapping me within them.

"We know who you're going to."

"When will you get it into your head that he'll never like you." I never did understand why girls thought I was only friends with him to get closer to him and eventually date him.

The taunting continued until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Oikawa with an extremely pissed look upon his face. He managed to change his tone to his usual cheery one but I could tell that it was hard for him.

"Hey girls, I don't like it when you say mean things to Y/N-chan, you don't want to make me sad, do you?"

"Sorry, Oikawa-senpai!" They chorused before scurrying off home.

Once they were gone, my brown haired friend bent down to my ear and whispered, "I won't let them near you again." To which I replied with a small,

"Thank you."

As you can see, there are many pros and cons of being Oikawa's best friend but there is one more which I must talk about.

Pro 2: Iwaizumi

Iwaizumi Hajime, the final part of our trio. Between the two of us, we make an absolute mockery of Oikawa. Always calling him names and just generally making fun of him. It's always fun to see Tooru's pouting face; however, despite us not always acting like it, we do love him, no matter how much we tease him.

So that's the three of us. Friends that can never split up (and probably shouldn't as Oikawa would probably get himself killed if we leave him alone for more than three minutes).

You're probably wondering how Tooru and I met, and if you aren't, just pretend you are for the sake of the story. If I'm honest with you, I don't entirely know myself, we've known each other for that long. My mum used to teach Oikawa's big sister in middle school when me and Oikawa were both about three. We think that was about when we met, and I have my mum to confirm this, but we don't remember it.

Since then, we have been inseparable, always together since the very first day. Tooru would always have at least one hand on me, whether it be grasping my hand or, as we got older, draping one arm over my shoulder. He's always been the touchy feely type, unlike myself, but I don't mind it from him. I've gotten so used to him that it feels strange for him not to be holding me in some way. That's probably why so many people mistake us for a couple.

Contrary to popular belief, we do not have any of those feelings towards each other. Or at least we thought we didn't until that faithful day...

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