° Halloween °

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I hadn't mentioned anything to Tooru about what I heard. I just couldn't risk it.

It hadn't affected our friendship though, he was still as touchy as ever and I just didn't take notice of the nagging feeling in the back of my mind.

But it was still there.

It was October now. The leaves were turning brown and being released from the branches that gripped onto them.

As I walked along in the piles of leaves, kicking them up as I went, the autumn sun shone down, causing the oranges and reds to glow. It was beautiful.

I had music blasting in my ears as I walked along the autumnal streets. My steps matched the beat of the music. Many houses already had skulls and ghosts outside of them, pumpkins dotting the streets.

Halloween was two days away and I was excited as ever. The volleyball team had organised a Halloween party and of course Tooru insisted on me being invited along too. I gladly accepted. It was the spookiest of the year after all and I wanted to spend it with friends.

Naturally, I had been planning my outfit since September. This year, I was going as a ghost, but not your average ghost, full Marley style ripped clothes and chains.

I had it all ready to put on on the 31st. The prospect of unveiling my costume to everyone was causing the excitement in me to rise and rise.

Soon, I had finished my walk and made it back to my house just as the sun was setting. My house was the most extravagantly decorated on the street. I had painted the window with bats, three pumpkins lay next to my doorstep and cobwebs scattered the bushes. I had orange and black garlands hanging in my porch and on the door hung a giant spider. It was heavenly, or should I say, hellish.

The next two days went by quickly and it soon became Halloween morning.

The day was a Saturday and the party was planned to start at half five. We were all going round to Oikawa's for the party as his parents were out of town but permission was granted.

I started getting into my outfit at eleven. I was just too excited. The whole make up process took three hours but I didn't mind. It was worth it.

My dress was silver and went to the floor. It was ripped in many places and had multiple layers, all different shades of grey. There weren't fifty though, I promise. Chains were wrapped around my waist and were cuffed around my hands and feet. My shoes were knee high boots with buckles all the way down. My hair had been sprayed silver and was back combed, accompanied by dead flowers stuck within the strands. I had silver body paint all over, coupled with contouring to make my face look skeletal. The only inch of colour on my face was the red glow coming from my eyes which now had coloured contacts on them.

Overall, I thought I looked amazing.

As I was admiring myself in the mirror, my phone start in ringing. The caller ID showed it to be Tooru. I pressed the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"You have reached the L/N residence. How may I be of service?"



"I'm having a bit of a struggle... Can you come round early and help." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be round in five minutes."

"Y/N-chan you're a life saver!"

"No need to remind me."

I grabbed my iPod from the side in order to play some music and I began the walk to Tooru's house. (a/n- please tell me I'm not the only person who has and still uses a 2007 iPod). I didn't mind that I was in my full Halloween costume as there were already small children out trick-or-treating with their parents.

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