° Summer °

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The summer break had arrived.

The sun beated down, making the air hot and sticky.

It was uncomfortably warm. Making me incredibly sickly.

Suddenly, my bedroom door opened to reveal the brunette I called my best friend. He came close to me and leaned over me, causing me to feel slightly awkward, due to the fact that I was lying on my bed in just shorts and a bra.

"What do you want?" I asked whilst quickly putting my t-shirt back on.

"I wanna go to the beach, Y/N-chan. It's sunny!"



"You know I can't handle heat, Tooru. It makes me feel sick." I said before flopping back down on the bed.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me off the bed.

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

"Tooru, I don't feel well!" I protested.

"We'll shove some paracetamol down ya and give you an ice cream to cool down. I'm sure you'll be fine, you're just overreacting."

"Says the one!"

I ended up being forced to go to the beach. To be honest, getting out of the house made me feel better. I'd never tell Tooru though, I can't let him know that he's won... He'll never shut up about it.

The both of us had our shoes off, our toes sinking in the sand, an ice cream in each of our right hands.

"You have a bit of ice cream on your nose." Tooru told me.

"That's where I like to keep it."

He laughed at my statement before taking it off with his finger and licking the ice cream from his finger.

"Oh no, you seem to be sunburnt too." He leaned in closer. "Or are you just blushing?"

I pushed him away from me and shouted "Bugger off!" Which caused him to laugh hysterically.

I rolled my eyes at him before carrying on walking down the beach, leaving my laughing best friend behind, finishing my ice cream in the process. As I ate the last bite, I heard Tooru's voice.

"Hey! Y/N!! Wait!!" He said before running towards me.

Suddenly, he engulfed me in a hug, causing the both of us to fall into the sand.

"GET YOUR ARSE OFF OF ME!!" I shouted.

"I can't." He replied

"Is it because you don't have one?" I retorted.

"A what?"

"An arse."

"You little bitch." He said before flicking sand in my face, much of it going into my mouth.

"Tooru, STOP! AHHHH!!" I laughed whilst also spitting out sand.

Thankfully, he did stop but not before he rubbed a load in my hair.

I gave him the dirtiest look you had ever seen. I think I scared him because he got off me straight away.

"Oikawa Tooru, you better run because I'm gonna roast your non existent arse alive."

"Oh shit."

Suddenly he darted off, causing me to run after him. He kept sprinting and sprinting away from me to his downfall. He was soon too tired to carry on running.

"HAHA!" I shouted triumphantly as I jumped onto his back. "THIS IS WHY YOU JOG YOU GOON!"

I started maniacally laughing.

"Okay, okay. You win." Tooru panted whilst putting me down on the sand.

The day carried on in a similar manner. The two of us joking with each other and picking fights with each other.

It had definitely made me feel better; however, it was soon time to head home.

It had been a long day but it sure was a good one. We got back to my place just as the sun was setting.

"Hey, thanks Tooru, I felt so much better after that."

"See, I told you!" He shouted gleefully, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Goodnight, Tooru."

"Goodnight, Y/N-chan."

I closed the door and made my way upstairs. I fell onto my bed and soon fell into a deep slumber.

Why hello! Sorry for the short chapter, I couldn't think of anything else to write. Haha. I love you all!

- H xx

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