° Karasuno °

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That afternoon, I waited for Oikawa and Iwaizumi at their volleyball practice. Of course, I wasn't the only one there, the regulars had taken their places, screaming for Oikawa every two seconds.

To drown out their sound, I plugged my earphones in and listened to my favourite band. (For me, this would be Nothing But Thieves. I'm intrigued to know what it would be for the rest of you.)

Every now and then, Tooru would send me a peace sign and I would roll my eyes in response. He is such a dork. I'm not too sure how I cope with him.

Soon, the practice was over and the three of us made our way home. Iwaizumi lives quite close to the school so he left us early on and soon it was just the two of us, me and Oikawa.

"Hey, Y/N." He said whilst placing his glasses back on.


"We have a practice match with Karasuno tomorrow after school, it's at their gym. I was wondering if you'd like to come."

"Didn't you play them about three weeks ago? It was your first match back after your injury."

"Yeah, but you didn't answer my question."

"Fine, I'll go. I have nothing better to do anyway." I gave in, placing both of my hands in my coat pocket.

"THANK YOU Y/N!!! YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND!!" He shouted, wrapping his arms around me, causing me to almost fall over, thankfully, he caught me in time. "Phew, that was close."

Con 3: Overdramatic. Incredibly overdramatic.

"It's a good job that I, Oikawa Tooru, was here to save you from your destined collision with the pavement!" He exclaimed rather flamboyantly.

"If you hadn't nearly knocked me over with your tackle of a hug, I wouldn't have needed saving thank you very much."

"Fine, next time I won't save you!" He grumbled, folding his arms and turning his body away from me.

"You will, you love me too much." I murmured, though he still managed to hear me.

Suddenly, he threw his arms around me again and this time, wasn't able to save me and we both came crashing down into a heap, Oikawa crushing my body beneath me.

"GET OFF OF ME!! You may be my best friend but I don't love you that much."

"Aww! You admit that you love me."

"Less and less each day."

He gasped, pretending he was hurt, causing me to ignore him for the rest of the trip.

Jesus Christ, what am I going to do with him.

The next school day came and went and it was soon time to get on the bus headed for Karasuno.

I was sat next to Tooru upon his request. As usual, he had his arm draped around me and was leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"We're going to win this time! Just you see."

"You lost against them last time, what makes you think you won't loose again?"

"This time, the have me for the entire game."

"Bloody hell, hubris much?"  I replied with a laugh, causing my friend to pout by my side.

Soon, the bus arrived and we made our way out, as we got to the gym, we saw all of the players warming up. It was my first time seeing Karasuno; however, there was one I recognised well.

"Hey! Tobio-chan!" The raven haired first year lifted his head and noticed me calling to him.

"L/N-san. Nice to see you again." He said, bowing as he came towards me.

"Seriously Kageyama, I've been trying to tell you for years, Y/N is fine."

"Seriously, you treat him nicer than you do your own best friend." I heard the brunette complain behind me. I snapped my head around before saying something I knew he'd hate.

"That's because you're trash." As I turned back towards Kageyama, I felt two arms wrap themselves around my shoulders.

"Hehe, you bully me all the time but deep down, you know that you couldn't cope without me."

Looking towards Kageyama, I noticed that he was sending me apologetic glances before returning to the rest of his team.

Without warning, a short ginger came running in front of us, staring at Oikawa who still had his arms around me.

"The Great King!" His eyes were full of awe as he stared up at him. Soon his gaze shifted and locked onto me. "And you must be the Great Queen!"

Hi there! I know practically nobody is reading this at the minute because this is only the second chapter; however, I just wanted to tell you that I'm probably gonna update a bit more often than I usually do in the next two weeks as a girl in my class has tested positive for Covid so I can't leave the house for two weeks which is great. But this means I have more time on my hands. Anyhoo, hope you're all doing well.

- H xx

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