° Shiritorizawa °

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Senseki. Won

Johzenji. Won

We were in the final tomorrow. The boys were all happy and excited. Except one.

"Tooru, what's wrong?" I questioned.

"Just worried about tomorrow. We're against Shiritorizawa. We've never won against them. Ushijima is the best player I have ever come across. I can never match that." He said.

I placed my hand on his back.

"I'm sure you'll be great." I reassured. I don't think it worked very well however.

Oikawa walked me to my house. As we stood outside, I gave him one last supportive hug.

"Don't stress and get sleep." We're the last words said before I entered inside.

Le time skip brought to you by the long ass wait for this chapter.

The next day came as quickly as the previous one left. Waking up, I noticed that my phone was going crazy.

I picked up the phone to be greeted by screaming down my ear.

"Y/N!!!! I'M STRESSING OUT!!!" I recognised Oikawa's voice instantly, but it was strange not hearing the 'chan' after my name. This must be serious.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Ushijima. He's scary and I'm gonna be on the opposite side of the net from him."

"And that's my problem because?"


"Jesus Christ, calm down you big dummy." I rubbed my forehead in annoyance. "Calm down, I'm sure you'll do great. Anyway, I'm gonna be there to help you through it."

"Okay." He seemed to have calmed down a little. "I'll come to pick you up in half an hour, okay?"

"Wait. Half an hour? THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME!" I shouted.

Looking over to my clock, I saw that it was eight. The game started at quarter to ten.


I heard Tooru's laughs from the other side of the phone.

"SHUT IT, THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!" I shouted whilst going to my wardrobe and picking out my clothes for the day and grabbing Tooru's training jacket from the radiator.

"Bye bye Y/N-chan! You better hurry up." He said before putting the phone down.

"That little!" I chucked my phone onto my bed and started getting ready for the day.

*Knock knock*

I legged it downstairs to the door with a piece of toast in my mouth. I pulled the door towards me to reveal the brunette that had caused me to be so stressed at this current moment.

"Come on, let's go." He said before grabbing my wrist, after I had locked the door, and dragging me to the bus stop.

Soon we were back at the same gym as yesterday; however, today we were playing in a different court. The centre court.

As we were walking towards it, I caught a glimpse of the opposition. They were all very tall and looked as if they would eat me alive if I got onto the wrong side of them. I could see why Tooru was so scared of them, especially of their captain. Ushijima Wakatoshi.

He towered over me, engulfing me in a shadow as he began to speak to my best friend who looked terrified.



Then he walked off without a trace. A sigh of relief came from the boy next to me, as if the whole weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders.

Volleyballs being slammed.

The shouts of the players.

The cheering of the two crowds.

That was all that filled my brain as I watched the match before me. The pain on every single face on Aoba Johsai was clear. They had lost the first set and were fighting hard to try and bring back the second. The score: 23-24. The ball: in the hands of the Shiritorizawa setter.

The ball went up into the air, aligning perfectly with the hand of one Ushijima. Within a second, a slam was heard. The game was over. Shiritorizawa were going to nationals.

The disappointment was felt from the Seijoh players, to the crowd and even myself felt the let down.

After the awards ceremony, I met Tooru and the rest of the team outside of the court.

"Hey, I thought you guys did great." I said, trying to lighten the mood. "They were a really strong team and there's always next time."

"You know what, Y/N is right." My best friend began. "We always have the Spring qualifiers. This wasn't our last chance, we still have plenty more chances ahead of us, and we just need to work hard towards them and we should come out victorious."

The team agreed and headed off home. Oikawa joined me as we walked to my house.

It had just gone dark and the moonlight shone down on us both. Looking up at Tooru, I noticed how the moonlight reflected perfectly off him. He looked amazing.

At that moment, a realisation dawned upon me - I was falling for my best friend.

Wow. I'm alive. Can you believe it? No, neither can I.

- H xx

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