° Magazines and Movies °

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A week had passed since the game with Karasuno. On this certain day, Oikawa had insisted that I came to his to watch a movie and, being his best friend, I agreed.

It was currently four in the afternoon, it was moderately cloudy; however, it was quite mild. Well, that's what the weather app said. The truth was that it was raining. Immensely. And as for the temperature, it was cold.

As my shaking hand reached to knock on Oikawa's door, the wind blew my umbrella inside out. When the door eventually opened, Tooru rushed me in and got a towel to put around me.

"There, get yourself dry. I'll put the kettle on to make you a warm drink. I'm sure my sister has some spare clothes that she leaves here somewhere as well."

"Tooru, it's okay, really." I protested.

"No, you're cold and absolutely drenched in rain water. You're allowing we to take care of you."

I eventually gave into him and he took good care of me. He managed to find some of his sister's old clothes and they fit quite well. They weren't really my style but when your clothes are absolutely soaked, you take what you can get.

As he was making hot chocolate for the both of us, I picked up a magazine that was on the table. It was a volleyball one, obviously, it looked to be about a month or two old. The thing that caught my attention the most was was a little section in the top right hand corner which read out. 'Interview with Seijoh captain, pg. 34'

"Hey, why didn't you tell me you were in a magazine." I heard him clatter something in the kitchen, meaning that I definitely caught him off guard.

"What magazine?" He questioned innocently.

"The one here on the table. The one with your interview."

"I knew I'd forgotten to put something away." I heard him mumble.

"What was that?"

"I said it's not worth reading, you know it all already." He was clearly trying to hide something from me so I turned to the page it was on.

Once I saw the first line, I instantly started laughing.

"What?" The brunette asked.

"Tooru Oikawa's favourite food is milk bread." I began to read out. "His personal motto is 'If you're gonna hit it, then hit it till it breaks'."

I paused a minute. "You do understand how people can interpret that the wrong way, right?"

Suddenly, the magazine was taken out of my hands by an embarrassed looking Oikawa. "Hey! I was reading that!"

"I think that's enough reading for today. Anyway, hot chocolate's ready." He indicated the two steaming mugs on the table in front of me.

"Thanks. What movie are we watching?"

"Your choice." He said to me.

"The Princess and the Frog." I answered without a second of hesitation.


"It's a great movie."

"Yes, but you watch it all the time."

"You can never get enough of Princess and the Frog. Trust me." (A/N- This is my favourite movie, so much so that I've watched it three times in the past one and a half months.)

"We should watch something else, anyway, I don't want you crying over the death of a bug."


"If you love animated bugs so much, what about A Bug's Life?" He suggested.

"Boring." I answered.

Eventually, we decided on Big Hero 6. Oikawa's reasoning was "Good plotline, despite being sad in some places." My reasoning was "GoGo. Just GoGo."

Soon, the boy next to me was crying.

"Jesus Christ, you big softie." I soon felt a lump in my throat too. "Okay, I'm going too."

Soon, we were both in each other's arms, bawling our eyes out.

Within a few minutes, however, we were laughing again. Why you ask? Because Fred is an absolute mood, that's why.

We soon got onto the debate of which characters we'd be.

"You'd definitely be Krei, Tooru."

"Why him, Y/N-chan? He's ugly!" He protested.

"Because he's big headed like you."

"Fine, you'd be Wasabi because you need every little detail in your life to be perfect. I mean, look who you got as a best friend!" He pointed to himself happily.

"I rest my case." I muttered to myself, I'm pretty sure that he didn't hear me, but if he did, he ignored me.

Once the movie was over, I wished Oikawa goodbye before opening the door and realising that the rain had gotten heavier.

"Hey, Y/N-chan. You can stay here if you want. I'm sure your parents won't mind and I know mine definitely won't. Just to save you from walking in this rain."

"That's very generous of you, thank you Tooru."

Once I got the go ahead from my parents, I helped my best friend set up a mattress on the floor of his bedroom for me to sleep on. It was meant for me but we both knew that by the time it got to us going to bed, he'd insist to be on the mattress and me be on the bed.

And that was exactly what happened.

That night as we were lying down on our respective beds for the night, we began talking.

"You're not as bad as me and Iwaizumi make you out to be, you know Tooru. You're actually a real gentleman. We just enjoy taking the mic out of you. You're an easy target."

"Thank you, I guess."

"You've been around me for as long as I can remember but I feel as though I've only realised the importance of you in my life very recently. I don't know where I'd be without you, Tooru Oikawa, I really don't." I smiled.

Then of course he had to ruin the moment.

"You'd probably have a boyfriend as people wouldn't mistake me and you as a couple." I chuckled at his statement and he laughed along.

"Yeah right, I'd probably be a loner stuck in the library."

"Not with a beautiful face like yours, Y/N-chan! You'd have boys fawning all over you. In fact, they already do. I'm sure Matsukawa said he was one of them once..."

"No way!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes way!" He replied.

"You're just saying this to make me feel good about myself!"

"Okay, maybe the thing about Matsukawa was just a slight inference but I've definitely seen boys staring at you. Truly. You are beautiful Y/N-chan and you better believe it!"

"Thanks, Tooru. You are beautiful too."

"I know." He pretended to flick his hair, despite it being too short which made me laugh. "Anyway, goodnight." He said.


Hello there! I must say, I had fun writing this chapter. I just let my mind run free and type whatever it wanted. It was great. Anyhoo, hope you're all doing well and I'll see you in the next one.

- H xx

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