27. Raid

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"So now that you and Everett are buddies, let's hang out with him," Isha said during the lunch break in the cafeteria.

"But what's the plan? What are we doing?" Carmen asked.

"I was thinking we could raid Laker Pop with him. What do you think?" Isha suggested, excitement shining across her face.

A week had passed since Everett and I became friends, and it had turned into a regular thing for the two of us to ride our bikes home together on Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. He'd ride alongside me and babble about his day and ask about mine. When I wouldn't answer, he continued rambling. It also became a regular thing for him causally say hellos to me in the hallways and classrooms. He didn't treat me like The Wolf nor was he intimidated by me like the rest of the school was. If it was anybody else, I wouldn't be able to stand it. I guess I didn't mind Everett being an exception.

However, I wasn't the only one who started to feel comfortable around him. Gradually, everyone at school who he talked to gravitated towards him because he accepted them all just the way they were.

"Lana, what do you think?" Jada asked, drumming her fingers against the table.

"He'll get a heart attack. He'll never talk to me again," I answered, flatly.

"So that's a no?" Isha grinned and I scowled at her. She laughed and nuzzled closer to my side and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Honestly, I think a raid would be hilarious with him. Let's do it. We won't tell him anything before we're almost there. Lana can talk to him. I'm sure she'll be able to make him say yes."

"I'm sure Everett will keep this secret with us about who in town likes to raid Laker pop," Carmen said, looking up from her phone.

Meeting my blank stare, Jada grinned. "Three against one."

I rolled my eyes and they laughed before Isha wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer against her.  "Aww, our little Lana banana is so scared to lose her new friend."

This raid was probably going to hell, but I didn't object. I wanted Everett to know more about my friends. Sneaking into candy stores and stuffing ourselves with snacks and racing around in shopping carts was something I wanted him to know about us.


"No, no, no, no. No. Absolutely no. Not happening. No way. "

The girls and I had gathered with Everett a few blocks away from Laker Pop. The expected had happened and Everett was freaking out in front of our eyes. First, his eyes widened, then he took a step back and started walking back and forth while rapidly shaking his head countless times.

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