30. Leadership

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"Okay, guys. I was thinking today we finalize getting the elevator and the bell fixed. Lana, can you send the principal an email about it?"

Lana, who was seated next to me around the table in the student council room later that day nodded. She dropped her gaze on her laptop screen as her fingers started flying across the keyboard.

"Shouldn't we talk about what Arjun said first?" Kevin suddenly asked.

Glancing at Kevin, I furrowed my brows. "What about it?"

He glared at an unbothered Lana with his arms folded across his chest. "You being friends with Lana. I don't think that will make you a valid student council president."

Lana stopped typing. Suddenly, tension filled the air in the room as everyone stared at Kevin and then at me. I furrowed my brows as overwhelming frustration built up inside of me.

"Why are you treating her like a villain, Kevin? She's not going to turn me against you guys and the rest of the school," I said. Everyone seemed completely taken aback, which made me realize how aggressive I sounded.

"Well, what do you guys think? Am I not certified to be president anymore?" I looked at them all, not just Kevin. I sounded furious but underneath all those layers of anger, anxiety turned my stomach and suddenly I felt very insecure about this whole thing.

"Dude. I don't care who you're friends with. People are just overreacting. You're the best for this job," Ali said, giving me a friendly smile before scowling at Kevin.

"Yeah. Ali is right. Our school system has been corrupted since forever. You've changed that completely," Lily said, smiling.

Sonya nodded. "I agree too, and what's wrong with being friends with Lana? It's great that the student council president is friends with a member of The Sirens. It's like a solid partnership that the whole school can benefit from."

I sighed and was suddenly aware of my hands turning sweaty in my lap. Despite the reassurance, I felt out of place in this room for the first time. Kind of like I didn't belong here anymore.

To everyone's surprise, Lana jumped up from her seat and cleared her throat before raising her voice from the usual calm, blunt and flat tone to a firmer and clearer one. "Everett is optimistic, hopeful, and too kind for his good, but that's what makes him a good leader. Half of the time he just rambles like an idiot, but he does have a passion for everything he starts on and makes sure to put the effort in it to finish it. He is courageous and honest. He looks at everyone as equals despite their reputation and how they treat him. Everett believes in the people here and he is positive about it."

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