36. Return

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A month later, the girls and I brought Everett and Ali with us to the Laker to hang out together. Carmen and Diego were introducing Jada to Diego's friends a few paces away while Ali and Everett were in conversation across from me and Isha.

Isha was texting on her phone and I peeked at her screen, asking, "What's up?"

"Kiana's sick so she couldn't come. Just checking up on her," she said, meeting my gaze with a smile. Her black eye and forehead were pretty much healed, but her arms were still in bandages underneath her red purple hoodie. Her mood was a lot better too but I knew she was still haunted by that night. If Carlos even as much took a step in her direction, I would make him pay. I just had to try really hard to not pass out just by the sight of him.

"I'm gonna go see if someone can offer me some of their booze," she said, and used my shoulder to steady  herself as she climbed to her feet. Ali tagged along.

As I watched her leave while rubbing her healing arms and wincing slightly, anger and guilt built up inside of me. Then came fear rushing in like crashing waves. I wanted to protect the girls and Everett too, but Carlos hadn't even arrived yet and my body and mind were already triggered. Ever since Isha got beat up, I kept having nightmares and woke up soaked in sweat. I had no appetite and my hands and legs were always shaky. 

Suddenly, Everett tapped the tip of his shoe against mine and I tore my gaze off Isha and met his warm brown eyes. In a heartbeat, his smile spread warmth soaring through my body from head to toe. In the last two weeks after our date, he had been so good to me and understanding of my skin contact issues. The way he always hesitated before holding my hand or hugging me. I was slowly getting used  it. His presence and touch. It was so delicate and warm.

"You look kinda stressed. You okay?" he asked, after moving over to my side. He put his hand on my knee and I exhaled deeply while closing my eyes.

"It's just Carlos. There's a rumor going on he's coming back tomorrow."

Everett nodded. "Yeah. I heard about at school today. Are you scared?"

"Kind of. Yeah," I whispered but even over the loud music and chatter he heard me and patted my head before I felt his thumb stroking against my hair, soothingly. I closed my eyes and leaned closer to him, my cheek  lightly touching his chest.

"You want some?" He offered me a small bag of candy. It was sour jellies covered in sugar. Stomach growling, I took one and popped it onto my mouth. 

Concern creased his brows. "You're hungry? You haven't eaten today?"

"Didn't really feel like it," I murmured without meeting his frown.

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