4. Family

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"YO! GIVE IT BACK," Isha yelled, snatching back her water bottle from Carmen's hands who had sneaked up behind her and grabbed it.

Jada laughed while Carmen rolled her eyes and dropped a sweet kiss on top of Isha's head. She plopped down in the seat next to her and stole a salty fry from her lunch tray instead.

Lunchtime was my favorite part of each school day. Not only because the lunch lady, Aisha made The best food for the whole school every day, but because the break lasted for an hour and I could cut off from reality by diving into the world of Mario Kart on my Nintendo with my friends seated around me.

It was easy to just sit there and let lunchtime pass by because my friends kept talking and talking about stupid, funny shit, speaking more words per minute than I did in one day.

Sometimes, the talking grew louder and rapid until Isha usually cracked a joke and they all burst into laughter while I just sat there like a robot that smiled a little once in a while. They didn't give a shit about that though. Luckily.

"So I heard there's a new family in town. Their son enrolled here today and rumors say he's made quite the hero impression on his first day so far by trying to save Lily from Arjun who was cornering her this morning."

The change of subject to the new kid reminded me that my butt was still sore from that incident.

"I also heard he later stepped between Arjun and Ali's fight, " Isha added.

By the sound of Arjun's name twice, I had to pause the race and lookup. Arjun was the most dangerous guy in the whole school. The Indian with rich brown skin and sharp brown, greenish snake eyes, was the leader of the second most powerful gang in the whole town. The Lions. Anyone who came between him and his target was as good as dead. I knew it to a personal level. Coming between him and Jada's fight once gave me the chance to experience getting a black eye by the infamous Lion's fist.

Intrigued, Isha's eyes grew wide and she nodded. "Oh, yeah! Everett Weston. He's definitely hot but too bad he's a squeaky clean good boy. I mean, he was taking notes in class and I saw him smiling to everyone like a fucking polite angel."

"Forget taking notes in class and smiling to everyone. What the fuck is a white guy doing in a ghetto town like Lakewood? Plus, who the fuck moves here of all places?" Carmen pointed out, snorting.

As if on cue, the hero himself entered the cafeteria with Ali by his side. The Somalian, Ali, was one of those decent guys who got along with pretty much everyone around here. However, leaving The Lions cost him a ton of trouble and left Arjun furious. Thus, he ended up as one of his permanent targets. Despite it being a year since Ali left the gang, that bad blood wasn't going away any time soon.

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