38. Plans

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After the weekend, Everett and I arrived to school together. There was no sign of Carlos at least in the parking lot where we met up with the girls. After hugging the girls, Isha whispered, "Go talk to Jada. She has a plan she wants to let you in on."

"Okay. I'll stay behind." After Everett left with the girls, I walked back and leaned against Carmen's bike next to Jada. Her frizzy dark hair was in a loose bun on her head and she was wearing black jeans, a grey hoodie with her favorite red leather jacket.

Before I could say anything, she put an arm around my shoulders and pulled my briefly to her side. "You seem okay."

She was really awkward when it came to feelings and emotional stuff, but I knew she tried and really cared. I was pretty bad at it too, honestly. "I'm okay. You?"

She nodded. "Fine."

Then she nodded at Everett walking towards the school entrance while chuckling to something Isha had said

"He really likes you. Takes good care of you," she said, giving me a small smile.

I nodded. "Yeah. He's really good to me."

"We're gonna team up with Arjun."

I blinked at her. "What?"

"Arjun wants his gang back. We both need him off our backs."

I grinned. "You and Arjun?"

Rolling her eyes, she shoved my shoulder, lightly. "Fuck off."

"Okay. Let's do it. You've told the girls?"

She nodded. "Yeah. But Carlos wants to take us down. It's not going to be easy now that we have a weak spot. Your boyfriend is our biggest weakness right now."

Despite knowing that perfectly well, I still clenched my jaw. This was bad. Really, really bad. After everything Carlos had done, I didn't even want to imagine what he could do to Everett.

"So instead of Carlos snatching Everett randomly, let's give him to Carlos instead."

Stunned, I stared at her. "Wait, what?"

"It's going to be a trap, of course. We'll set up it so that he can easily kidnap him, but we'll be around to save him and get rid of Carlos for good."

"But how exactly will we get rid of Carlos? You got dirt on him? Again?"

"Kinda, but the police will handle it."

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