35. Time

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Monday morning after the weekend, I was about to leave to get home to Carmen and Jada who left early to go to my place so they could take care of Isha.

However, I had to search for Everett first. I was about to text him but stopped myself from retrieving my phone from my pocket when I found him putting his books in his locker.

As I approached Everett, I noticed how cute he looked in that red hoodie he was wearing. He caught me watching him and when he smiled, everything inside of me tingled and fluttered. My brain was turning completely mush because of this guy.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I said. Everett was about to say something but stopped himself when I stepped forward and tucked into him for a brief moment, my head on his shoulder and my hand on his back.

When I pulled away, Everett looked stunned but his face was quick to break into a soft smile and he said, "You doing good? How's Isha doing?

She's feeling better. She stayed with me during the weekend. Jada and Carmen are with her now. I was leaving now too but I wanted to ask you something."

Everett nodded as his eyes grew of curiosity. "Okay. What is it?"

"I just wanted to ask if... I mean, um, would, uh, maybe like to go hang out sometime-I mean would you maybe want to...," I trailed off, feeling my face heating up. How did this people do this?

Everett grinned. "Wait. Lana Takumi, are you asking me out on a date?"

Just to wipe that ridiculously huge grin off his face, I scowled. "No."

However, that only made him tip his head back and laugh. That sound spread a warm feeling tingling through me.

"You are asking me out," He said.

"No, no I'm not. Baka."

Suddenly, Everett reached out and gently curled his hand around mine, our fingers slowly entwining. I jerked up and I stared at him as his lips curved into a genuine smile. "Yes, you are."

I smiled. "Today. By the candy shop at 5 P.M. Don't be late. Baka."

I didn't let go of his hand though. Instead, I let him take my other hand too and saw his smile widening as excitement spread across his face. "I can't wait."


"Oh. My. Fucking. God," Carmen slowly said as she with Isha and Jada stared at me with widened eyes and jaws dropped after I told them I asked Everett out on a date.

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