17. Truce

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After we parted ways with Everett who left with Ali to the town's hospital to get his injuries patched up, the girls and I went to my apartment.

"Seriously, who could that asshole be?" Carmen wondered as she shut the door behind us and locked it.

Not Jada, Isha, or I answered. Jada was long lost in her own head by the window while Isha was too busy guiding me to the couch which we sat down on together. Isha grabbed the blanket on the couch and wrapped it around me before pulling my head to her chest.

"Hey. What did he do? Can you give us more details?" She asked, softly.

"Grabbed my waist, pushed me to the ground, choked me, put a knife to my neck," I answered, quietly. The words sounded even worse when they left my mouth.

Jada's jaw twitched and her fists curled while Carmen clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Fuck," Isha cursed, rubbing my back. Then she carefully asked, "Do you guys think...it's someone who Carlos knows?"

I closed my eyes and and tried to think of anything but Carlos. Just anything. Even Everett but not Carlos. Despite it being seven months since I last saw him, his wicked brown eyes, rough skin against mine, slender fingers gripping my wrists and devilish smirk still haunted me. I knew it probably would forever.

Before I lost control the third time tonight, I wrapped my arms around Isha's torso while slowly controlling my breathing.

Once I regained control again, I heard Carmen inhale a sharp breath as if haunting memories were awaking in her mind against her will. I didn't raise my gaze to meet hers. I was too scared.

Jada shook her head. "No. He wouldn't dare. He knows that damn well."

An eerie silence filled my apartment for at least a minute before Jada exhaled a breath and said, "Girls, I got this. I'll figure it out. Just...relax."

While Jada started heading towards the door, Carmen and Isha exchanged suspicions glances.

"Wait." My voice was faint, only a whisper but Jada heard me well enough to halt in her steps.

"Come here." Without objection, she turned and came over to me.

"Sit down." I grabbed her hand and she sighed.




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