31. Fox

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The Fox. It was the Fox. The bleached hair guy in black clothing. It had to be. He had been following us around a few times now. It had to be him again. I wasn't letting him get away today.

Seconds after Everett raced after him, I limped through the nearest narrow alley, and planted my foot in the small hole in the wall of the closed building, and hoisted myself up. I continued climbing up to the rooftop. As I limped alongside the edge of the rooftop, I kept my gaze down on the alley in search of the Fox.

"Come on. Where are you Everett?" I whispered to myself, my heartbeat pounding and beads of sweat breaking across my skin after the climbing.

Suddenly, a shadow stretched across the ground and I lowered my gaze to find the fox jumping behind the wall of this building. I glance down from the other side where Everett was slowly approaching the corner the Fox turned to.

Before the fox could jump out and scared the shit out of Everett, I quickly jumped down the rooftop. When I swiftly landed on the fox's shoulders, he yelped and the panic that rapidly rushed through his whole body made him tumble backward. Before jumping off him, I pulled his hood off and his bleached hair came into sight. He spun around and his green eyes met mine. He had fair skin and a squared jaw, light freckles dusting his nose.

Furious, he opened his mouth but before he could say or do anything, I shoved him up against the wall and took a step back as a wave of nausea passed through me. "Who are you? What do you want from The Sirens?"

He glared. "Not them. You."

I furrowed my brows. "Me?"

His next words left me frozen in utter shock and disbelief. "Carlos is coming back for you. Just for you."

The air swirled around. For a small moment, there was dead silence in my mind.

No. I took another step back, somehow hoping to distance myself from him would make his words less true but that was just wishful thinking. Seconds after seconds, the panic in me grew.

No, no, no...please no. Horrible and terrifying memories started awakening in my head while I realized how much the simplest sound of his name had such a heavy impact on me. My heart started pounding in my chest and my legs started shaking.

"Fuck you," I whispered, clenching my trembling hands into fists.

Just like that, anger appeared across his face. He reached for my arm and shoved me with my back against the wall. My instincts were too slow and my legs were too weak to fight back. Before he could smash my head against the wall, Everett crashed straight into him, sending him tumbling across the ground.

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