28. Strange

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"Are you sure the cops won't come for us? I feel like I'm being watched. Am I being too paranoid? I feel like I am. Are you sure we're safe?"

It was the morning after The Sirens raided the town's candy store with Everett. Let's just say that the way Everett was rambling about how panicked and anxious he was, he might as well have sat by the front door of his house, waiting for the cops to come get him.

I grabbed my history book from my locker. "Not until you lower your voice."

Everett blinked and then was suddenly aware of the people passing us through the hallway. Tensing up, he cleared his throat and inhaled a deep breath. "Okay. Sorry. I'll stop overthinking it."

After closing my locker, I glanced at Everett. Today he was wearing a military green hoodie and grey jeans. The November cold had flushed his cheeks a deep red color while his nose made him look like Rudolph. His coconut brown hair was concealed beneath a black beanie which I suddenly realized was mine. However, he made no movement or sign to return it. I guess he must've forgotten. I tried not to think about why I just didn't ask him myself or just pulled it off his head.

He started walking alongside me down the hallway. We reached my classroom which was currently empty of students since it was still ten minutes until the first period was starting.

"Well, bye," I said, briefly.

However, just as I was about to turn my back to him, Everett's voice stopped me. "Wait, before I go. You texted me last night after I got home, but I had already fallen asleep by then. I saw your message this morning. What did you want to say?"

When I met his questioning gaze on me, I immediately regretted sending that message. "Um, it was nothing."

I tried to leave once again but this time Everett grabbed the hem of my baggy black and green flannel's sleeve and with a softened smile said, "Lana. Hey. What is it?"

I dropped my gaze before sighing and said, "I just...I wanted to ask if you, um, if you had fun. Did you?"

Astonishment touched Everett's face first before it broke into a genuine smile. "Wow. You're really shy, aren't you? Is that so hard to ask?"

"Baka," I muttered.

He smiled. "Don't worry, I had fun. It was cool to get to know you and your friends."

Even though we told him bits about our pasts and how we got together, there was so much more to us. So much more that he didn't know but probably speculated over. I was surprised he didn't ask many questions. Instead, he just listened. I liked that.

I was ready to go to my seat in the classroom now but there was something else I was contemplating on telling him. My cerebral palsy. I felt like it was important that he at least knew this part about me now that we were friends.

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