37. Weekend

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 L A N A

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The next day, after school had ended and most people had left the school building, I arrived at my locker and was shoving my history book inside and reaching for my notebook for math when I felt the presence of a tall figure nearing me. I jumped away exactly as Carlos slammed my locker door shut and towered over me with that same wicked grin plastered across his annoying face.

He folded his big arms across his broad chest. "Dude, you look even worse in the daytime. I also happened to hear about some skin contact rules your mommy Jada has made everyone follow. Fucked you up pretty bad, didn't I?"

People had started staring and whispering around us but kept their clear distance. He said it pretty clearly yesterday that he fucked me in front of his gang members. The word has probably spread across town. Fucking hell.

I turned away but he was in front of me again, this time so close I could feel his breath on my face. His green eyes piercing into my mine, made my legs horribly shaky. As the shakiness spread across my whole body, to the point I looked like a piece of glass about to shatter, Carlos threw his head back and laughed.

"Don't think anyone should be calling you the Wolf anymore. You're legit about to pass out, dude," he said, laughing in my face before stepping even closer.

My head was spinning. The hallway surrounding us started blurring as dark spots colored my vision. Waves of nausea rushed through me and I felt sweat prickling down my neck. Just before my legs gave away, the amusement in his eyes was gone in a flash and anger burst out as he within a blink gripped my arm and shoved me against my locker, my head hitting the metal door. I instantly cried out in pain. However, a familiar voice brought me back just when I needed it the most.

"Hey, stop!" Everett pushed Carlos away and he stumbled back. Then, he dropped to his knees before me, shielding me from Carlos with his frame.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Carmen yelled as she jumped him. I heard Jada trying to stop her, but that would probably be impossible at this point.

Isha came to me too and wrapped her arm around me, her voice panicked as she asked, "Shit, Lee. You okay?"

Everett gently touched the side of my head that was just slammed against my locker. His fingers were gentle as they grazed my scalp. Then he gently, whispered. "Lana? Does it hurt a lot?"

I didn't answer him. Words refused to leave my throat. My vision was incredibly blurry and my hearing was staring to get messed up too.

I heard Everett whisper something about a panic attack before Isha guided my arm around her shoulders and wrapped her arm around my waist before leading me away from the chaos that had irrupted between Jada and Carmen and Carlos, including all the people watching.

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