32. Rejection

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"Can someone help me with this problem?" Isha asked as Everett and I approached The Sirens' usual table in the cafeteria the next day.

Kiana glanced at it and raised her brows. "I think I lost brain cells just by looking at it."

Isha looked at Jada with a pleading pout. Jada raised a brow. "You seriously think I have brain cells for this?"

"I can help," Everett suddenly said, carefully. Puzzled and surprised, the girls, Diego and Kiana glanced at him, at me, and then back at him. I felt the eyes of all the students in the cafeteria on us, whispering and staring.

"Can Everett sit with us today?" I asked.

They glanced at each other before surprisingly smiling. Isha then said, "Sure. Make yourself comfortable, prez."

"I guess everyone has brought a date to lunch today," Jada said, glancing at Kiana who sat next to Isha, Diego who was seated next to Carmen with his arm around her shoulders while she was showing him something on her phone, and lastly Everett who took the empty seat next to me.

"Maybe you should've brought someone too," Kiana suggested and Carmen and Isha laughed and I almost did too. A smile managed to spread across my face though. We knew how much Jada hated people. Plus, she wasn't attracted to boys or girls or any gender. However, she did have a keen eye for money and booze though.

"Ew. No. That's disgusting. Never gonna happen."


"Lana. I don't think we've ever spoken before. It's cool to meet you. I'm Diego," Carmen's new boyfriend said with a friendly smile. My gaze met Diego's brown eyes. He had a sharp jaw, handsome face, and tan skin. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and was dressed in black jeans, a white tee, and a leather jacket. Every inch of him gave off underground racer vibes. He was definitely Carmen's type.

"Yeah. Cool to meet you too," I said briefly, offering a small smile of my own. Carmen smiled at me and then at Diego before reaching for his hand on the table and lacing her fingers with his. The happiness radiating from her warmed my chest.  

"So, Weston. How did you manage to become such good friends with Lana that she invited you to have lunch with us?" Jada asked, curiously watching him with narrowed eyes.

Everett looked up from Isha's notebook where she had scribbled the math problem and met Jada's gaze. However, instead of answering my question, he glanced at me with curiosity across his face.

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