Awkwardness 101

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You make your way over to where there sat around the fire sorting your uniform out as you go.
"Where'd you get off to them ehh" Ron asks nudging your arm with his shoulder. You wince slightly hoping it was subtle enough for no one to notice.
"Oh I umm went for a walk down to see Buckbeak" you answer trying to put some happiness into your words. "God how could I be so stupid" you thought I didn't even know if Hagrid or Buckbeak was in let's hope they don't either. Hermione gives you a look as if to say I can tell your lying but I'm not really sure why and I'm going to figure it out and it makes you shrink a little bit into your seat. Harry and Ron decide that potions homework due in tomorrow for Snape obviously isn't as important as wizard chess so they pack away there stuff and set out the board and you use this as a chance to sneak up to your dorm. You could tell Hermione would follow you so you walk quickly and go to get changed out of your school robes. After changing the bandages the professor put on your wrists you slip in between the covers of your bed and for the first time in awhile drift off to sleep.

Next morning you wake up to see Hermione stood over your bed.
"MERLIN HERMIONE, you gave me a bloody heart attack" you scream diving further under the covers.
"You have 15 minutes to get up and dressed before it'll be to late to get breakfast from the great hall" she informs you.
"Okay okay okay I'm getting up I get the point" you say as you slowly drag yourself from under the covers.

Even though it was annoying when Hermione acted like your mother it was a good job she did otherwise you would slip and then end up further into your depression zone the  people would start to notice.
"What lessons do we have before lunch mione?" Ron asks
"Ummm if I remember correctly we have transfiguration then break then herbology and then ermmm what was it ahh yes defence against the dark arts" she says strangely happy with herself that she got it right.
At the mention of that lesson you freeze up and panic " SHITTTTTT" you thought "yesterday you stormed out on professor lupin and haven't seen him since how am I going to deal with an hour in his lesson" then all of a sudden you heard Harry's voice bringing you back to earth.
"Y/n, y/n can you hear us are you ok ?" He seemed worried.
"Oh ermm yeah I'm fine I just forgot about the herbology homework, ahaha" do they buy it do they buy it you thought.
"Wait.. we had herbology homework ?" Ron asks puzzled.
"Yes Ronald we did but someone wasn't paying attention we're they" Hermione says in her most teacherly voice.
"Well we have 5 minutes before transfiguration so we better get walking don't wanna be late to McGonagalls lesson do we" you say getting up off the bench the others nod in agreement and get up to follow you chatting among themselves but all you can think about is what your going to say to professor lupin.

A/N- Hi everyone sorry about the late post I was writing in between lessons and homework so I wasn't getting much written but now I'm in lockdown school again I'm hoping to update a lot more often, but let me know what you guys think hope everyone's well if not my messages are always open

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