The nightmare

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You sit there in the corner of the DADA classroom curled up in a ball next to professor lupin and he eventually asks
"Can I... can I see the cuts?"
Hesitantly you lean up and go to roll up the sleeves of your robe. You got to pulling on the hem of the sleeves and then you stopped for a second took a deep breath and carried on. Scattered all across your arms were cuts and you knew that, god you had to wake up every day and have a constant reminder of how much pain you feel but he didn't know. Just like he didn't know how deep you had been willing to go. He just looked at your arms and moved them slightly to look at every inch skin. You could see the deep sadness In his eyes and then without another word he got up and walked away into his office. You sat there all alone staring into the middle of no where. Somewhere down the line you had started crying a lot without noticing but as you went to wipe a tear from your eye you lifted your hand up there was blood on it you instantly looked at your arm to see most of the cuts had been re opened as you had been scratching.
"Oh for fuck sake can I not do anything right what so ever all I had to do was not touch my arm just leave it and it would of been fine but I can't even do that I'm such a screw up" you sat there with tears slipping down your face not even making and effort to stop the blood from dripping on the floor you had become so empty that not even that mattered anymore so you just sat there. All of a sudden you heard a clunk as professor lupin had walked back into the room to see you with blood dripping down your arm. He stood there in semi-shock and you just didn't know what to do so you sat there until he came running over to you and started bandaging up your arm.
"y/n you shouldn't do that there no chance of them healing if you keep opening them back up" he finished the sentence just as he finished the bandage on your arm.
"Haha but what's the point" you said almost hysterically.
" the point is so you can heal and get better"
"But I don't see the point in that either I like it I deserve it all every bit of pain I deserve I'm a fuck up a screw up a waste of space no one ever pays attention to me long enough to realise somethings wrong" at this point you were almost shouting it.
At this you heard movement outside the door so got up pulled your sleeves down and stormed into the corridor blending with the other students and leaving the professor in shock.
You had followed all the students and managed to get back to the common room where you saw Harry, Ron and Hermione sat around a table unpacking some stuff to do homework.
You tried to sneak up to the dorms but Ron spotted the back of your head.
"Ello y/n where were you before"
"Ahh shit I've been caught" you thought as you wiped a few tears from your face put on a smile turned and walked towards them.

A/n: I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and in only 5 days 2020 will be done. Hope you liked this part let me know what you think and what you also think should be in it.

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