May i speak with you

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The door clicked as the last student left and you screwed your eyes shut tight so you couldn't see.

The only downside to that was the fact you could no longer see professor lupin so you didn't see him quietly make his way over from his desk and crouch down in front of you.

It was quite to quite you thought so you slowly opened one of your eyes and whilst your eye adjusted to the light you tried to look round the room and when you couldn't see him you opened your other eye too.
"ARGHHHH" you screamed as you found yourself eye to eye with the man.
"Fucking hell y/n can't believe you've just screamed into your professors face" you mumbled.
"Didn't mean to frighten you y/n" lupin chuckled. You just mumbled in response as the awkward tension grew. After a good 15 minutes he finally said something.
"You know we need to talk about this y/n we can't just pretend it's not there that doesn't help"
"It does actually" you say in the quietest voice.
"Pardon?" Lupin asks
"It does help" you respond
"It may help at first but it's unhealthy"
"At first? This isn't a new thing you know this isn't some teenager thing this is the thing that's been happening since I was 10. This was the thing that no teacher has noticed so yea pretending it's not there helps because when I pretend it's not there I free up space to think of school work. But when it is there that's when shit happens thats when grades drop and I space out a lot that's when friends get concerned because this is the thing that has been killing me inside since I was 10. Do you know why professor?" You've started this rant now and it's all flowing out.
"Oh umm no y/n I don't" he responds slightly taken back.
"When Ron was 10 he had his meals with his family and spending time with his parents who loved him, when Hermione was 10 she was reading freely and giggling with her friends but when I was 10 that was something completely different. When I was 10 I woke up in the morning not knowing if I was going downstairs to my dad making me breakfast happily or him drunk and out of his mind blaming it all on me. When I was 10 there was no family breakfasts and time with my parents because my mother left she'd put up with my deadbeat father long enough so she left and didn't even want me enough to take me with her. When I was 10 my family time was him throwing shit at me across the kitchen and hitting me when I didn't provide the right meal for him. When I was 10 there was no friends over and giggling and normal things a 10 year old does because if my father hated me so much that day he would lock me in my room for days on end and forget about me" your almost shouting now but you can't stop.
"This" you shout pulling up your sleeves revealing your wrists and standing up from your chair.
"This is what 10 year old me started a life of unhappiness so deep that I would slit my wrist because of my fathers words because for that split second as the blade went across my skin and the pain set in it almost helped and I heard his words so much it must have been true, your lazy, your the reason your mother left, your an ungrateful bitch that's what I got at 10 years old and that's what I still have now every time I go home for the summer. No loving parents waiting at the platform no I go home not knowing what state my dads going to be in or what state my house is going to be in so yea ignoring it helps because when I ignore it at least I can push aside the fact that I am an utter WASTE OF SPACE AND A WASTE OF A LIFE" you finished and collapsed back against his desk as your shrank to the floor tears spilling down your cheeks.
Professor lupin just stood there wide eyed.
"And yea I swore and it may break school rules but go ahead professor send a letter home I'm sure my father would love to have an excuse to hit me a few extra times" you spat tears flowing now.
You closed your eyes and brought your legs up to your chest as you were crying. It was too quite for your liking but you didn't have the courage to look back up and that's when you felt it as the wind was slightly taken out of you professor lupin had shrank down to your level and wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a hug as you cried into his shoulder soaking his shirt. As the sobs started to get louder he put a silencing charm on the classroom locked the door and pulled you tightly into his chest as if he was protecting you with all the power he had left in his body to protect you with.

A/N: hi guys sorry I've not had an update out in a while I've not had internet for a while and when I got it back I'd just hit a complete block and couldn't figure out what to write but let me know what you think and what you would like to happen next have a nice day/night/afternoon.

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