A cut here and there

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As you look at your clock you mentally scream at yourself
the clock shows 2:46am and you know that you have to be up in just under 6 hours for lessons. You look down at your arms and see the gashes that go from your wrist to your elbow some fresh and red others older and a pinky colour and some that you wouldn't even know were there unless the light reflected off them. Silently you reach for your wand from next to you and go to cast a silencing charm when there's a noise.
"No don't take away my library access" Hermione murmurs as she rolls back over.
It's to risky to do it here you think so grab you wand and a small metal blade from a pack you stashed at the bottom of your trunk on the first day of the year.
** In corridors**

As you walk down the dark corridors of the school you hear a sound and jump putting your hand on your wand that's tucked into the waistband of your trousers.
"Oh miss Norris it's just you" you whisper expecting to see a teacher.
After the encounter with the cat you rush down into the dungeons and into the toilets looking in every cubicle for any of the other girls or worse peeves (the poltergeist seems to find it funny lately to hide in a cubicle and wait for a half asleep unsuspecting girl to arrive at night for him to scare)
After checking the cubicles you lock yourself in the one furthest from the door and lock the cubicle.
Taking the little blade out of your slipper you take it and glance at it turning it round in your hand then without a thought you slide it across your wrist digging it in lightly to draw blood but not to much. You repeat this many times up your forearms and not matter how much you tell yourself it's wrong you love the feeling of the blade on your skin and the marks it leaves after. Digging in slightly to much you notice a lot of blood oozing from a cut and take your want to bandage it up, you wipe down the cuts in the sink making sure to wash away any more blood and finally slip out the door back into the corridors.

As your walking down the corridor your eyes trail the ground and didn't even notice the DADA professor walking the other way until there's a crash in the middle.
" y/n" professor lupin says startled by the encounter.
"Shit what do I do" you think
"Umm hi professor" you manage to mumble before he's talking again
"What are you doing up so late wandering around"
You think of the first excuse you can and it's coming out your mouth before you have thought about it properly
"I was going to the toilets and got a bit lost on the way back in the dark"
Fuck fuck fuck your thinking will he believe it
" okay then y/n but get yourself back to your dorm before any one else catches you up"
"Ok sir" you say as quick as you can do you can race back up the stairs into your dorm room and back under your cover. The clock now reads 3:15am "jeez I was gone for awhile" you think as your eyes start to close and u fall into a deep sleep.

A/N: hope you enjoyed the first part please let me know what you thought. I will update whenever I have the chance because of school and memory block but there is still many more parts to come

Cuts in the dark Where stories live. Discover now