Whelp this is awkward

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Transfiguration passed in a blur professor McGonagall was talking and usually you would be absorbed in what she's saying but today you just couldn't pay attention it all went in one ear and out the other. You were staring out the window when suddenly you heard professor McGonagall telling everyone to pack up so you did and followed everyone out of the room completely forgetting about your friends.
"Y/n, y/n...Y/N"
Hermione was shouting you but you were in auto pilot until Ron came pounding up behind you and jumped on your back.
"SHITTING HELL RON, usually you just shout someone's name not give them a heart attack in the corridors" you say as you spin to see his face
"Well Hermione was shoutin you but someone was distracted" he responded. You chuckled slightly and pushed him into the wall as you carried on walking.
No one spoke all the way until outside The DADA classroom but Hermione kept giving you that concerned look when she thought you weren't looking. 'Haha she doesn't know I'm always looking always observant must be nice not observing every second'. You were to deep in thought to see everyone had started to walk into the classroom and Hermione had to drag you in past past professor lupin before you realised where you were and froze.

As quick as your panic had came it left again and you scampered away to the back of the room hoping to not have been spotted, but obviously with your luck you had been. Professor lupin was looking straight at you.
"Ahhh shit" you muttered but obviously not quite enough.
"What was that miss y/l/n?" Professor lupin asked.
"Oh err nothing professor just talking to myself" was that all you could come up with.
You heard Malfoy snickering in the background so you decided to make a comment.
"Malfoy I'd stop snickering if I were you otherwise that very nice quill bought with daddy's money will be shoved were the sun don't shine" you snapped. At that point everyone was laughing so you sat down and got your stuff out ready as Professor Lupin started writing things on the board.

'Cmon y/n just 5 minutes until you can escape into the corridors and be no where near the certain professor'  you were sat at your desk waiting and watching as the clock hands turned, you til you would be out fo the classroom and you could run. He was explaining the homework which you were scribbling down onto a piece of parchment and then shoved it into your text book. All you could do now is wait for the bell to go and then it did and you had never tried to run out of a classroom faster in your life.
"Thank you class you may all leave now apart from.." the professor started.
'Don't say it don't say it don't say it' you thought.
"Miss y/l/n could you stay for me please and the last student close the door on the way out for me please" he finished.
There it was now you were stuck so you thought you may as well sit down and hope that this doesn't go extremely badly.

A/N: sorry guys I said I'd have an update for you yesterday but then I rewrote this entire part because it didn't seem right. Please let me know what you think and any suggestions on what you want to happen I would happily consider. If no ones told you this already good morning, evening afternoon or night.

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