Muffled screams

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A/N-sorry it took so long for the next part I had really bad writers block and school took over most my free time, but I'm hoping this is a good one please let me know what you think.

You were in a dream and you could tell. Pinching your arm didn't hurt which it should given the fact there was numerous cuts and it hurts like a bitch anyway. Even though you knew you were in a dream you couldn't help it. Your dad with those empty cold eyes staring at you his face full of rage you wanted to scream but nothing came out. He was getting closer and closer and you were telling yourself "it's a dream it's a dream he can't hurt you" fear prickled the back of your neck and your breathing was starting to sound like the Hogwarts express it was getting quicker and quicker. Then the words came out of his mouth the ones you heard every night but even though you knew it was a dream they still hurt.
"I wish I never had you, you ungrateful little shit an utter waste of life and space I don't know why your mother wanted you"  your dad was spitting at you and then he piled out the belt and it was being flung towards your back and on impact you screamed even though there was no pain your screamed and it was at that moment you woke up tears flowing down your face. You were crying uncontrollably and your heart rate was getting faster then the soothing voice broke through the panic and you could hear him.
"Sh sh sh sh y/n it's ok come on sh sh sh look at me look at me it's ok I'm here no ones going to hurt you" professor lupin was sat at your side and at first you tried to fight him away and then you stopped and your body stilled letting him wrap his arms around you and as he rocked you gently the tears slowed until they stopped. You just sat there for a minute professor lupin speaking in your ear softly
"In and out, in and out it's alright I'm here"
As you were breathing you could smell his cardigan the mixture of old books and chocolate.
"What happened y/n" he asked in a gentle tone.
"I..I..I.. I was having a nightmare" you eventually get out through the stutter.
"What was it about" he asked questionably you could see the concern on his face. You hesitated and sat in silence as if you were refusing to answer the question then you finally started to speak.
"It it it was my dad... and he was m he was calling me a waste of life and a wast of space and he..he..he"
"It's ok y/n take your time"
"then hit me with his belt over and over and on the last impact I woke up screaming" you eventually get out.
"How often do you have this nightmare?" He asked.
"Every night and at 4:13 on the dot every night I wake up screaming. I woke up someone in my dormitories one night in first year that's when I  taught myself the silencing charm so I wouldn't wake them anymore."
"And when did the cutting start" he asked as gently as possible. You looked taken back at first and almost hurt by the question and started fiddling with your sleeves but you eventually answered.
" it's been awhile now I can't really remember"
"How often do you do it then"
"Most nights it it helps with the pain"
It was silent in the office until he finally spoke up.
"When I caught you in the hallway a few nights ago I could see something was the matter then when you said you went to the toilets after we parted ways I went down to them to check and found light traces of blood on one of the cubicle floors"
"Wait so you knew?" You asked sort of shocked
"I had my suspicions and then with your eating at the breakfast table but I just hoped it wasn't true because I didn't want to think that such a bright young person could be so broken as to do this to themselves" he responded. At this you shrunk into your body a bit more and hugged him more tightly.
"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" you mutter
"Sh sh sh sh it's not your fault y/n we all cope in different ways we just don't know the severity" he says softly into the top of your head.

Sorry I didn't get as much into this as I had hoped but I thought this was an important part of the story to cover. I'm hoping to get updates out maybe every week or two it all depends on how busy I am but I hope you enjoyed it make sure to tell me what you think and what you think should happen next.

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