Slice and dice

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When you wake up the next morning you start to question wether the encounter with the professor was real or if you had just dreamt it and you figured out it was true when you pulled back the cover to find that you were still in your slippers and have your wand in your trousers.

After getting your robes on and replacing the bandages around your wrist you head down to the great hall for breakfast.
You walk in through the doors and find your friends in their usual place at the Gryffindor table and as you head over you they spot you and start shouting
"Over here y/n"
"Cmon were not that scary"
The twins shout with grins on their faces.
"Mornin y/n" Harry says with a mouth full of toast
"Harry!" Hermione scowls
"Don't speak with food in your the entire great hall doesn't need to see it"
"Alright mum" Harry says still with toast in his mouth.
You have to look away to stop yourself from laughing at him.
As everyone's talking and laughing you sit staring at your food it looks less appetising after the milk had soaked into the cereal so you just push it around with your spoon making patterns but out of the corner of your eye you catch someone staring and snap your head up expecting it to be some arrogant Slytherin to find professor Lupin staring over from the teachers table.
Shit you thought has he figured something out. To make it less suspicious you shovel some of the soggy cereal into your mouth and gag at the thought of having to swallow it. Fred catches you and that point and decided to shout to the entire great hall "wow y/n your no good in bed are you"
At this the entire Gryffindor tables is staring at you and most the teachers so you throw him one of those looks as if to say I'm gonna fucking murder you later as you get up and leave the great hall.


Lessons seem to drag on for ages first transfiguration then herbology (which wasn't as bad today) then there was potions with Snape which you hated with a passion mainly just the teacher then charms and finally defence against the dark arts.

As you walked through the door and too your seat you could feel the professors eyes on you and you panicked and ended up sprawled on the floor as you trip over your own feet
"Wow look y/n just fell lower then Hermiones blood status" Malfoy sneers
"Fuck of you snow prick" you growl back and as you get up and onto your stool the entire class is laughing "great there now laughing at me another thing to add onto my internal hate list" but you look up as there all looking at Malfoy who's face had gone as red as Ron's hair.
"That's enough" professor lupin said as he got up from his chair.
"Now today we will be facing our fears with a boggart so everyone line up and have your wands at the ready and the spell I want you to use is riddikulus" the professor said whilst bring a wardrobe to the front of the room.
You start to panic as the line shrinks and you get closer and closer to the front of the room so far from your friends Ron's put skates on a massive spider Hermiones rubbed out a bad grade and Nevilles put his grans clothes on snape . After a few minutes your at the front of the room gripping your wand so tight your knuckles have gone white. As the professor goes to open the wardrobe you think about what could appear in front of you as you whisper to yourself
"Please don't be him please please don't be him"
and as you look up there he was your dad Thomas y/l/n and he scared the shit out of you. You kept telling yourself I can do it I can do it and then the tears formed in your eyes and without a second thought you took off and ran out the classroom and up to your dorms.

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